Name: Quinnie
Island: Mochi
2 Purple Windflowers
2 Blue Tulips
Total Offer: 12 TBT
Oh that's unfortunate, could I just change that to no hybrids and the Natural garden bench DIY for 10 TBT?Hi! Thanks for ordering. PM me a Dodo code and I'll stop by once I have the hybrids ready.
Oh wait I have black tulips and blue windflowers, not blue tulips.
Oh that's unfortunate, could I just change that to no hybrids and the Natural garden bench DIY for 10 TBT?
No worries at all c: they're hard to breed so I don't blame youSure! Sorry I've never stocked blue tulips since I haven't bred them on my own yet, but I misread your post.
I'll get the DIY ready for you and you can still PM me a code if that works for you!
Hi! I'm interested in buying two fossils!
Name: Ashtea
Order: Fossils: 1 Dinony torso and 1 amber
Total Offer: 10 TBT
Hi! Thanks for ordering. I’ll be ready in about 15-20 minutes since I’m about to eat dinner if that works for you?Name: Midna
Island: Starlow
Order: Ophthalmo Skull
Total Offer: 5tbt
Ofc! Take you time!Hi! Thanks for ordering. I’ll be ready in about 15-20 minutes since I’m about to eat dinner if that works for you?
Order: lucky k.k., surfin k.k., & marine song
Total Offer: 10 tbt
Name: Pink
Island: June
Order: Taurus Bathtub DIY
Total Offer: 59 TBT
Hello, I don't really know how much this DIY is valued at but I'd love to have it, I'm a taurus and never got Celeste in Taurus season so I never got the chance to get this DIY n_nU sadly 59 is all the TBT I have but if you think it's just too low I understand.... thanks! I can also offer some hybrids I have (specially purple/black tulips, some green mums and some varied extras I have n_nU)
Name Kitty
Island: Kiki Tiki
Order: Rocket diy, Beekeeper's Hive diy,
Total 32 tbts