Selling all adoptable villagers available!

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So uh I got caught up in tting and Annalise's move out day came today. Was wondering if I could adopt Marina for 15 tbt?
Not sure if I'll be here when that's done. Leaving to pick my sister up in five minutes.
marshal's ready to move! adding you now :) I have no preference for when the bells are sent so up to you!

I'll send them now. I'm a bit rusty on the process, so basically I just have to talk to him and invite him to my town? Or am I wrong? ;a;
I'll send them now. I'm a bit rusty on the process, so basically I just have to talk to him and invite him to my town? Or am I wrong? ;a;

yep that's all! sorry for delay I got distracted ;; gates to bun open~
Hello Panda, I just made space for another villager to move in, haha! :D

So would it be okay if I adopted Flora for 20btb? :)
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