Hey! Will you be on in ~4 hours? I'd love to get Marshal. I'll fill out a proper form later if so.
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Are you still doing this? If so;
Friend Code: 0018-6553-0833
Town Name: Fantasia
Mayor?s Name: Gabalulu
Villager(s) Name(s): Tia, Julian, and Beau pleaseee
Total Cost: 10 tbt :3
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Wow you collected all the amiibo cards, how long did it take to get them all!?
Friend Code: 2380 6694 7403
Town Name: Cesity
Mayor's Name: Cesar
Villager Name: Shep
Total Cost: 0 (First one)

Thank you, couldn't make my day any better
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Friend code: 0490-5415-1359
Town name: Galifrey
Mayor's name: Pinky
Villager(s) Name(s): Beau
Total Cost: 0 (my first one, oh my! Thank you!)

Thank you so much, you are so generous and amazing!! This makes my day!

Actually nevermind!
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Friend code: 5301-1547-6955
Town: Solime
Mayor: Colby
Villager: Pierce
Total cost: Free? It's my first villager from this thread.
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Friend Code: 0748-5754-5249
Town Name: Klance
Mayor’s Name: Kayla
Villager(s) Name(s): Bruce
Total Cost: 0

Thank you!!
Friend Code: 2939-1146-2203
Town Name: Bistro
Mayor?s Name: Chef
Villager(s) Name(s): Meringue
Total Cost: 0 (first one), but I will be coming back here to get more dreamies once i have the room :D
hi I'm not sure if yr still doing this but heres my order if you still are thx! :)

Friend Code: 0748-4976-9385
Town Name: Ashfalls
Mayor’s Name: Lydia
Villager(s) Name(s): Katt
Total Cost: 0 TBT
Friend Code: 1736 - 6499 - 0517
Town Name: Oahu
Mayor?s Name: Isaak
Villager Name: Static
Total Cost: 0 tbt
Friend Code: 3566 1783 4982
Town Name: Pearl
Mayor’s Name: Hula
Villager Name: Ken
Total Cost: 0 TBT
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Friend Code: 5215-0892-5080
Town Name: Amorite
Mayor’s Name: Asher
Villager(s) Name(s): Kabuki, Genji
Total Cost: 5 bells? thank you so much!! <3
Friend Code: 1032-1510-7130
Town Name: Pandora
Mayor’s Name: Hazel
Villager(s) Name(s): Sylvana
Total Cost: free :)
I’ll probably be back for other villagers soon
Friend Code: sidebar
Town Name: irondale
Mayor’s Name: gabe
Villager(s) Name(s): wolfgang
Total Cost: 0 !! :0
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Friend Code: Sidebar
Town Name: Animal
Mayor Name: Angela
Villager(s) Name(s): Ankha
Total Cost: 0 (my first time ordering)
Thanks so much!
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