Friend Code: sidebar
Town Name: Ocaso
Mayor?s Name: Jose
Villager(s) Name(s): Pekoe
Total Cost: 0,0
Friend Code: 4442-3462-8305
Town Name: St. Kim
Mayor’s Name: Amelia
Villager(s) Name(s): Merengue
Total Cost: 0 so far!

Thank you for doing this!
Friend Code: 4356-5909-0687
Town Name: New Leaf
Mayor's Name: Dylan
Villager(s) Name(s): Punchy, Marshal
Total cost, 5 TBT (first one free)

I have 6 villagers in my town right now, with another RANDOM one moving in tomorrow (hopefully we can change the random into one that I want!). So I am definately ready for both of them!
Friend Code: 3454-3398-8178
Town Name: Shika
Mayor’s Name: Rachel
Villager(s) Name(s): Deirdre
Total Cost: 0

Thank you so much for doing this! :)
Friend Code: in sig
Town Name: wildtown
Mayor?s Name: jake
Villager(s) Name(s): francine
Total Cost: free????
Oh my! Uhh unsure if this is still up but i'll try!! this is so nice ^^

Order Form -

Friend Code: 2638 1096 0862
Town Name: Limedrop
Mayor’s Name: Keyra
Villager(s) Name(s): Zucker, Lolly
Total Cost: 0 (?)

(So to get more, we would pay TBT bells that's the websites currency?) (If your interested, I am happy to do some art in exchange for some more villagers?? If not I totally understand!! :3 )
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IM BACK OPEN THANK YOU ALL SOOO MUCH FOR UNDERSTANDING!!! If you ordered your villager awhile ago and haven't gotten it yet dm me and you will be my first priority!

I have FINNALY collected all of the amiibo cards for Animal Crossing New Leaf!!! I have decided to make all of my villagers VERY affordable! So, here we go - Your first villager is FREE!! Every other villager after that is 5 tbt bells EACH!!! You can either pay before or after you have the villager(s) that you ordered! Completely up to you! I will get your villager to you in the order that you asked! If you haven?t gotten the villager(s) you ordered a week after you posted on this thread, vm me - I must have forgotten!

Order Form -

Friend Code:
Town Name:
Mayor?s Name:
Villager(s) Name(s):
Total Cost:

Friend code:2509 1523 1187
Town name:Crane
Villigers/Names:Biscuit Marshal
Total cost: 5tbh
Thank you

- - - Post Merge - - -

Friend code:2509 1523 1187
Town name:Crane
Mayer Name:pingo
Total cost:0
BTW what is tbt
Friend Code: 1306-7427-2618
Town Name: Memetown
Mayor’s Name: Aiden
Villager(s) Name(s): Marty
Total Cost: 0
Friend Code: 4270-3431-4432
Town Name: Berlin
Mayor’s Name: Matt
Villager(s) Name(s): Plucky, Lyman, & Chai (Apparently I can't get Chai via trades???)
Total Cost: 10

First time using BTF in ages.. finally got back to ACNL after a long hiatus and starting a new town :D
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Friend Code: 2337 5384 0532
Town Name: Momoland
Mayor’s Name: Kotori
Villager(s) Name(s): Ruby
Total Cost: 0 (It's my first one)
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Friend Code: Bio
Town Name: Hornburg
Mayor’s Name: Rhino
Villager(s) Name(s): Hornsby
Total Cost: 0, or 5, if that first order free is still a thing.
Friend code; 3411-5021-2034
Town name; High Oak
Mayor name; Gemma
Villager name; Shep
Total cost; 0 if first is still free, if not 5!
Friend Code: 1435-8796-6539
Town Name: V?ga
Mayor’s Name: Magnus
Villager(s) Name(s): Eunice, Chevre, Naomi
Total Cost: 10 TBT
Friend Code: on the side
Town Name: Gelato
Mayor’s Name: Candy
Villager(s) Name(s): Bea
Total Cost: 0, it’s my first order here! Thanks :)
Friend Code:
Town Name: Ursa
Mayor Name: The mayors name is Misu, but I play more than her (misu is my sister) so I’m Ranch
Villagers Name: Punchy
Total Cost: First time, so 0 TBT
Friend Code: On sidebar!
Town Name: Pallet
Mayor’s Name: Astro
Villager(s) Name(s): Marshal
Total Cost: 0 tbt (?)
Friend Code: 0791-7112-5766
Town Name: Avian
Mayor’s Name: Ava
Villager(s) Name(s): Marina
Total Cost: my first villager, so 0 I guess?
I would also like to know if this is still going^^ lol

no longer needed, good luck everyone else ♥
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