Mayor name: Toffee
Villager request: Lolly
FC (if not in sidebar): It should be in the sidebar)
Notes: Just let me know when you're available and I'll send the TBT over!!
Thank you! I'll send over the TBT now and add you, I can come get her in a few minutes if that's okay!
Mayor Name: Eve
Wanted Villager: Genji
Favorite Game/Cartoon: hmm don’t starve together
Friend Code: 0190-3583-1444
Availability: all day today and tomorrow (8am-11pm MT)
Thank you~
Are you ready to receive him now? Sorry for late response, I was unexpectedly busy today, but I believe I'm free for the rest of the day now.
No worries. Yep I’m ready. Will add you now
Thank you <3 he?s so cute I love him already lol
Mayor Name: Emou
Wanted Villager: Zucker
Favorite Game/Cartoon: Currently watching Voltron!
Friend Code: 0233-1760-7797
Availability: Should be here for the rest of the evening, and early tomorrow c:
Thank you! c:
Thanks so much! c:
Mayor Name: bean
Wanted Villager: dizzy
Favorite Game/Cartoon: hey arnold kdkd
Friend Code: in sidebar!
Availability: im available all day today, tmrw i have school until 1:00pm (cst)
I came back for the sale lol
Mayor Name: Emou
Wanted Villager: Diana
Favorite Game/Cartoon: Pokemon Y
Friend Code: 0233-1760-7797
Availability: Should be here for the rest of the evening, and early tomorrow/Wednesday c:
Thanks! c: