All of Redd’s art is fake!

It's not a glitch. Sometimes he really does bring all fake art. I don't think I've ever seen him bring all real art though. The most real art I've seen is 3 pieces out of the 4.
I think I heard that there is a 10% chance of that happening. I hope the number is correct. 😅
I've seen this happen a few times too and I was so shocked I took screenshots, I've also gotten all real art a couple times too. lol
I don't think it could happen in New Leaf
I've seen this happen a few times too and I was so shocked I took screenshots, I've also gotten all real art a couple times too. lol
I don't think it could happen in New Leaf

In New Leaf I am pretty sure only one would be real each time. At least that was my experience playing it. :)
It's really normal. I had him bring all fakes too many time I just bought art on this forum.
Good luck!
This happens to me a lot, there's quite a few statues I've never even seen too and I've been playing since launch. I don't think Ive ever had all real art tho at the same time, but I'm glad because I'd need it all and could only have one.
I had this happen to me a lot. Truly seems random. I used to get all 4 fakes quite often.

I'm a very a mellow/let the game unfold/I won't TT too heavily this time (because I did it so much during NL and wore myself out) type of player. But I got so frustrated that I did TT to get a lot of the art pieces to fill out the museum a bit. I was not happy that that section of my museum being so bare!

What I saw was that Redd doesn't come that often, when he does there's no guarantee of genuine pieces, and there's no guarantee he will have ones you are missing.

Having said that, I did manage to complete the art section without any online trading. But if I did normal time, it would have taken me 3 years. But who knows, maybe in all the updates we've had, they patched it somehow to make him appear more often.
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sometimes he really does just always bring fake art, sad but true lol :(

i haven't had redd visit since june, i have no idea where he is
The very first time Redd docked his boat and I could board, all of his art was fake. I wouldn't mind it so much if the opposite were true and he could have 4/4 real art too, but as someone else already mentioned, the most he can have is 3 out of 4 real.
oh wow, i've been playing this game for a year and I didn't know this is a possibility. Was this from a recent update, or has it always been like this? XDI thought Redd always had at least 1 painting that is genuine....but then again he only shows up like once every 2 months on my island
I've had this happen a few times. It's definitely not the best thing to see when you've been waiting forever for your museum to fill up! Must take over a year without time-traveling/trading to complete your museum with the rate Redd gives you real, and rare art.