Town name: Snowfell
Character using: Haley
Hybrids: 15 pink roses, 15 orange roses.
Total: 30
Fertilizer? (y/n): n
EDIT: Forgot to add a price! oops. How does 2.5m sound?
Town name: BellWood
Character in use: Rymi1
Order: 30
Hybrids:20 pink roses, 10 gold roses
Fertilizer: N
Total: 3 M?
PS, i will be back in 9 hrs coz of school. I will PM u when im back and when i can pick them up.
I asked on vm but will ask on here to lol
I respond faster on VM and PMs so yea lol anyways how many tbt or in game bells you want for 15 orange, 10 gold, 20 purple, and 20 blue roses xD
Yep. I was planning on getting 10 of each, so 90 TBT in total.
If you still have the 10 blue panies can i buy for 1mil?
All of your orders are ready! Am currently working on breeding for the other orders as well so pm me and I'll notice faster