Almost to the windmill...

I think about a week after donating. This is just what I heard so it may not be true.
wow, y sister got pissed at waiting for the windmilla nd jumped to feburary 9th, then suddenly they JUST finished construction.
man!!! you guys are so freaking rich! by the way, when you pay off your bridge, do you pay 300,000 for your fountain or still 500,000? just curious.
holy crap... she forgot to set the year down... it made a jump from February 9th of 2008 to December 24th of 2008. My towns all kinds of screwed up XD

But your character walks out with messed up hair, and yawns...
Wii Master 64 said:
man!!! you guys are so freaking rich! by the way, when you pay off your bridge, do you pay 300,000 for your fountain or still 500,000? just curious.
yeah, we passed that ages ago. (apparently)