Am I the only one that thinks this game is bad? (Opinion Revised) It gets better


Senior Member
Oct 16, 2014
New Horizons Token
Ok, so I got on the hype train for HHD and kept my suspicions about amiibo party as nothing more than a plot to make the fans buy more Amiibo(which I(and everyone here) will do, because more AC merch). Then I got the game at midnight launch, plugged it in, and oh man the disappointment hit fast and hard. I got excited for new elements they were bringing to the table, amiibo control over previously random villagers, designing your own face without consulting a guide, click and drop home design, light fixtures!, putting items outside, etc... Then after playing for a bit the reality of how linear the game was began to sink in. All of the open elements of the previous games had been heavily reduced to something repetitive, and very not fun. People would always joke about doing chores in Animal Crossing and as players we didn't mind, it's part of the game and it didn't feel like work. It felt like you're creating something, working towards a goal or creation. With this game, the chores and work actually feel like work. Designing houses loses it's novelty quick when they hand you the items they tell you they want in their house. Is anyone else as disappointed in this game as I am? As far as I'm concerned at this point, it's far and away the worst animal crossing title.:(
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I almost feel the same way, and was at least expecting to be able to do something within the town. Whats her face told me to go check out how Goldie was doing, so I went to go out the door and she's like, "Where you going? I said blahblahblah".
Insert sad face.

Oh well. I still love designing games and stuff of the like, plus I've only played if for maybe hour and a half total before I went back to sleep. It might get better.

However, it is something great to do when I'm waiting for my shops to open up on AC:NL! I am personally an early bird who has nothing to do at 7 30 in the morning until 10 and I like having the beauty ordinance so this will keep me busy.
Designing houses loses it's novelty quick

It's a spinoff specifically for designing homes. That's the entire game. Next time I would do more research.. but no, I'm not disappointed because I love this genre of game.
I'm really enjoying it. Sorry it was such a letdown for you. If it's any consolation, once you've designed their home (which can be as simple as unpacking the stuff they want and doing nothing else), you can go back and redesign their home and you're not required to use those items they initially asked for. You can do whatever you want. As the game progresses and you unlock more stuff, you'll be able to do progressively more with the spaces. I've done 6 villagers and the school so far, and am just waiting to unlock the hanging items, refurbishing and the QR machine so I can really let loose.

As for linear, yup, it is. The challenge is to muck around within that linear trajectory and design stuff the way *you* want. I'm viewing each design as its own tiny game, which I'll replay at least a couple of times each.

I hope you can find something to enjoy in the experience and that your initial letdown becomes less severe.
Nah. And if I do get bored of designing houses, I can completely ignore their request and items (if you for villagers, you can trash all their required items) and do whatever ridiculous thing I want.

I'm glad I watched a lot of Let's Plays before launch- my expectations were perfectly in line.
I don't have it (can't get it because I'm in Europe and probably won't because it's expensive and I'm not that interested) but I kind of get what you mean. Idk but if it really only is designing houses I mean... it seems like you're just doing the same thing over and over again! It would be like making a the sims game but with only build mode... idk... I'm probably not getting it but I'm happy for people who love it
Personally im more looking forward to unlocking more stuff from attending school and from other villagers, and also upgrading the main street.

And of course designing a nice home for Molly.

Hopefully this game can fill out the time till the next AC game release.
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I think a lot of people are expecting to much for just a spin off game, some people like designing games a lot and some don't, you can't buy a design game than complain it's not that great because all you do is design, when it's also a spin off. Not to mention, it's probably nintendos way of testing out a whole new design system for any future game *if they ever come out with another main series*.
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Dude you kind of knew what you were getting in to just by the title... "Happy HOME DESIGNER?" except minus the happy part in your case I guess

No but for real it's pretty much exactly what I expected based on what I saw / read about it prior to getting it. So far I think it's super cute and the perfect casual game to unwind with. Maybe do some research next time so you won't be let down :)
It's not going to be everyone's cup of tea I'm really enjoying it taking my time to try I and make some nice designs

I'm actually really bad at designing but I'm enjoying it because of all the furniture I have access too to try and make something nice
Not disappointed.

They explained what this game was going to be pretty well, and I pretty much knew what would be missing going into it. It's not like it's a main Animal Crossing title, either. It's a different kind of game with familiar faces we love. That being said, a lot of the new things they've brought over are really neat, and I hope to see then in a full-fledged title.
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Idk I'm prolly going to get it on my next break time- I'm not normally one for designer games but I like getting ideas for designing my home in NL. Also it's not something to play in marathon mode, I see it as a kind of chill-out game, which is fine. Seeing as how If I don't like it I can return it it's not that big of a gamble.

Though I can see how it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea. I'm not even sure it's mine, but I want to take a chance because of the AC hype and I'm a sheep. ._.

EDIT: I like it a lot more than I thought I would so far- I loved doing Goldie's room. It's cute. :3
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I actually really enjoy this game. Now I assumed you just designed homes and buildings in the town. But to my surprise, you can actually visit your past clients and chat with them. You can even dress them up too. (hAtSsSsSS) Which makes me LOVE this game! Plus they interact with furniture in so many different ways. It's nice to watch, but it's still not as great as a main series animal crossing game. This will help keep me busy until the next entry to the franchise.
I think most of the people disappointed either didn't read about it beforehand or are just mad that the next main game is going to have to wait a while longer.
It surprises me that while the developers and publicity are explicitly saying there's not a lot more than the Home Designer aspect in a game titled "Happy Home Designer" quite a few people are still expecting as much as a main game. (Insert generic "half game for full price" arguement here)

It's not the kind of game I'm going to end up pouring 1000+ hours like New Leaf, but my expectations are satisfied so far. :cool:
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I really love it :) I'm just taking my time and trying not to rush myself through it so I can make some really cool things. More gets unlocked the further you play, I'm sure it will get more exciting for you, just give it the chance :)
It's a spinoff specifically for designing homes. That's the entire game. Next time I would do more research.. but no, I'm not disappointed because I love this genre of game.

I have to agree with this. I feel there was (and still is) a misconception about this game and people seem to think it's a "new AC game" entirely, and not a spin off title, and those that were aware it was a spin off title, still seemed to be confused by what gameplay there actually is.
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You don't want to buy any game just for the sake of a new version of one you're appreciating. "Happy Home Designer" was clearly not similar to "New Leaf" in narrative and concept. Those who played "New Leaf" partly for fixing up the humans' houses know very well the appeal of getting involved with "Happy Home Designer." But, no matter, it's wise to find out ahead of time—especially since the research is here on the Internet—what a new game is going to be like. It will save you time and money.
I don't think it's bad, but I don't think it's that great, to be honest. I was expecting a bit more from Nintendo, especially for the price (I got the bundle). If I could go back, I would probably get the game later on when it went on sale. I wanted to get Yo-Kai Watch because I heard it was really popular in Japan, but I got this game instead because I'm a big fan of the Animal Crossing series, but I probably should've gotten Yo-Kai Watch in retrospect. If you like design games and have the money, then definitely get this game, but if you don't like to spend your money liberally or want to buy another game instead, then wait.
I think it will be lots better after I have played it a while. I still have a lot to learn, and the game has a lot more than I could discover after designing just a half dozen houses or so and a school (which is all that I have done this afternoon).