Am I the only one with nowhere to place the extra two bridges and inclines?

I ended up using 8 inclines and 7 bridges. That number works perfectly for my layout so I have no need for the extra ones we are getting. I am glad for other people who actually wanted/needed them though.
I could easily place 10 bridges but I don't currently need that many inclines. In the past, when I had a more formal island, the extra inclines would've been great for formal entrances to museums etc. when you want symmetrical stairs on both sides of entrances. I reset that island and the ones I have now don't requires formal inclines. Next time I reset, I may go all out and use 10 bridges and 10 inclines and make a European old fashioned canal city or town.
I've looked around but have no need for more inclines or bridges. I do, however, have a perfect place for one of the permanent ladders where an incline would be impossible. Glad they are adding those! 😍