Ambient noises you listen to?

The noise of the rain. I am so happy when it's raining when i sleep :) I know people who listen to this noise to relax thanks to videos on youtube :)
I live near a forest. I love listening to the birds chirp and the wind blow through the leaves and trees early in the morning. It’s tantric to me.
My favorite ambient noise is listening to your little brother mumble insults to you, under his breath.
A box fan. Also my family tv w/ surround system that shakes the whole house.
I really like listening to water sounds like soft rain, a babbling brook, or ocean waves. I also like more forest-like nature sounds such as crickets chirping, frogs croaking and wind blowing through the leaves of trees. But it doesn't do anything for me unless I'm really there listening to it naturally. I've tried listening to recordings of the sounds I love and it doesn't have the same impact for me.
My favorite ambient noise is wind and chimes Mmmmm....
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