American in Korea


Senior Member
Feb 9, 2016
Hello! Long time AC player since the Gamecube... missed out on City Folk, Wild World, but got back on with New Leaf when that came out. Life got in the way and I neglected my town for such a long time but the bug has bit me and I've been playing like crazy the last few weeks: paving paths, PWPs, trying to make an orchard...

Some things on my town... I'll be getting the cafe tomorrow. Gonna start the police station tomorrow. Still trying to attain perfect status and get some golden tools.

My town's name is Gotham and it's fruit is the apple. I'm four fossils from finishing the dinosaur exhibit: Diplo Neck, Stego skull, Styraco torso, and Apato torso.

If you want to help me out or if there's a way I can help you out (perfect apples, signatures, stalk market, etc) my code is 5472 7211 5836