What’s the dumbest injury you’ve sustained?

The frenulum behind my lip is split because one night I was getting up and I had a metal bedframe at the time and I accidentally bumped it there. : z We called a doctor to the house to get that fixed ASAP and I got medicine for it that ended up giving me a different infection.
This isn’t the dumbest injury but it is a crazy one. I fractured my middle finger on my left hand during a martial arts class after I messed up a blocking drill on a master’s foot. Thing is I didn’t know that it was broken for over a month as it only had some bruising and was swollen and slightly uncomfortable to move at times but otherwise felt perfectly normal. I was concerned about the swelling but everyone told me that I had just stubbed my finger during that time. I finally went to the medical walk in center after a month of my finger being so swollen.
When I was in uni, I fell down the stairs leaving class and broke my ankle simply because I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking.
Ok actually I have a way dumber example than this lol - in high school I popped out a rib from coughing too hard/much 😖 I had been sick and coughing for about three weeks, and then one day during class I coughed and heard a popping sound and felt a very sharp pain.
I was at PE and my at the time boyfriend, put his foot out and I tripped over it and hit my head on the side of a piano. Why the staff thought it was a good idea to leave a piano in a gym hall is beyond me! The piano was moved whenever pupils were in a gym session after that incident. When I hit my head it split open and there was a pool of blood on the floor. I've still got the scar.
Oh that's terrible, I'm so sorry that happened. :cry: A piano seems like such a strange thing to be found in a gym room.

I almost have a similar situation to that. I was pushed out of a moving car and hit my head on the asphalt. A still have a bumpy scar on my forehead.