There appears to be 5 cards on display, 4 of which are Amiibo. So I'm wondering if they've decided to out 4 cards in a booster pack instead of 3? That way a booster box could hold 25 packs and 1 complete set per box? That's what they did with ereader and millefeui cards so... Maybe xD
The English packs are getting 6 cards as opposed to three, with one always being a special character.
A) I have no idea, sorry!
B) I'm pretty sure they are compatible in some way! AC:F uses them at least for mini-games in some way
according to this page.
Murray and I were talking and I think he was pretty spot on with what the cards do in amiibo Festival. Under their species and number there are dots and hand gesture. The dots are probably dice rolls since they are arranged in dice number formation, and the hands are put in rock, paper, scissors positions, so they'll probably be used for a mini game that's yet to be shown yet. That's what seems to be the most plausible answer for them, at least. Also worth nothing that this game has been in development from when (and probably before) they announced Happy Home Designer, because the dice numbers and hands have been on the amiibo cards ever since their original announcement of Happy Home Designer - that's probably why no one knew what they meant, because amiibo Festival had yet to be announced at the time.
I wonder if Carrie is part of series 1? I hope we see more new/returning villagers in this. Are the amiibo cards essential to meeting and selecting whose house to design? Or is it just a more immediate way to move in particular villagers that you want?
We'll probably get more villagers, since I highly doubt they'd just randomly bring back Carrie, and no one else. As for new villagers, we already got Lottie.
From what I've seen, I
think the amiibo cards are only essential if you want to design a Special Characters home (like Isabelle, Tom Nook, etc), which are otherwise impossible without scanning the amiibo. I think the regular villagers are just random, who pop up on Mini Main Street, but the amiibo card ensures their appearance, appearing on the amiibo Phone directly. That's just my speculation based on the press info they handed out, which said "
Tap the amiibo cards of Special Characters to call in characters that would otherwise not appear in your game with requests", and the Treehouse gameplay, which showed this image (listed below), which shows there to be 8 villagers in the town, but only Fanua and Bill are shown to be from amiibo cards (due to their different coloring), despite other villagers shown without the use of an amiibo card, but actually have an amiibo card made (Roscoe). Anyway, that's just my reasoning for believing that's what the amiibo functionality does.
What is also interesting about those cards is that "Happy Home Designer" is neither on the front or the back of the card, which leads me to believe they could be compatible with future AC games.
They're announced to work in amiibo Festival, so that's probably why. Plus, it's pretty obvious these are going to work in most, if not all future AC game
I wonder if the series 1 villagers will be the only ones popping up in town, or all 330+ New Leaf villagers are in the game already. So many questions lol
Can't really say for sure, but as I said it seems the amiibo (par Special Characters), are just for a 100% chance to decorate their hoe, rather than it being random, I'd say all villagers will be there form the start, and not locked behind their amiibo card.