You'll be able to get their card as long as they're shown in a trailer, regardless if their house is being decorated or not. Because if he's in the game, his house will be designable, of else it's a waste of space.If any of the footage shows decorating his house than yep! should be guaranteed he will be obtainable ^-^ it just can't be confirmed if he will be a card or not, as it's not been clarified yet if cards are the only way to get villagers >.<
series two is already available for pre order on some japanese sites, so by the time it comes out in NA hopefully we will have two series checklists to go by at least!
It has been clarified that you do not need the card to get the villagers, as they are not the only way. Villagers will appear at random with requests, however, scanning the card will ensure a 100% chance of then appearing, and will bypass the wait period. This only differs for special characters, which can only have their houses designed by scanning the card, as they will not show up randomly.
And yes, iirc, series 2 comes out September 11th, so we defs should have a complete series 1 and 2 list before the game comes to the west.
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