Senior Member
May I stop over for kapp'n?
Steph from skyfall
0190 2081 6728
Steph from skyfall
0190 2081 6728
it'll be about 10 minutes. have someone picking up a villager but they need to move someone out. c:
May I stop over for kapp'n?
Steph from skyfall
0190 2081 6728
kayyyI'll be right over
Heyo can I come over for Kapp'n? I'll be needing 3 visits if that's alright!
Angely from Donger:4940-6505-4634
Goodmorning! I am tired of playing puzzle league, may I please come over to visit Kicks for a change in pace? >.<;
I think I need to come twice, but this is the last of the amiibo figures that I need (I think)! I have to thank you again for helping out all of us who don't have any.
May I come over for Kicks?
Thank you for this, Andelsky!
May I please come vist both towns? I'd like to get that counter top table from Kick's RV.
Kapp'n might have something I want.
Sure gimme a min, both towns have someone in them ha
yeah i just rebooted the DS. opening now.and any item at another persons RV costs 5 tickets.
Oh, I didn't know that. Good thing I've got 3 players.
Okay! I got a counter table and a banana basket! Thank you again!