Naw, UK, my GAME had em stocked before the US did and since the UK doesn't have as big of a gaming community as the US does...I dunno, they might have the odd few left.If you're in the US, then they'll be sold out everywhere. Pit is the new Villager.
Really would like to have seen a none option on the poll. I for one don't plan on buying one of these things.
Other than buying Pit and Mac, I might get Kirby too because he's "rare" but I wouldn't go buying Marth of Wii Fit Trainer for this reason.
Kirby is rare? I would have thought he would be one of the more 'common' figures given that he is one of Nintendo's 'main bunch'.
Well he's been known to be rare in the UK I guess? All the shops my Dad has been in never have Kirby in stock.
Managed to snag this cutie when he was briefly back in stock on Amazon UK for ?12.99 yesterday.
I was only planning to buy Zelda (due to arrive tomorrow!) but when I saw Villager going for so cheap I just had to buy him too. Haha. Now to try and resist the craze until Rosalina comes out.
Toys R Us canceled their Lucario preorders. Check your emails if you ordered through them.
Also it seems Marth isn't canceled in EU just yet, GAME had around 20 in stock in-store (as my brother says) but yeah, no Villager and Wii Fit Trainer though.
I wasn't aware they considered the bottom to be "wave 4", but they're the next awkwards. Aside from Ike (imo anyway)
Something tells me I'm not gonna see any of those in the stores.