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An error has occurred

I haven't got the game yet but I'm worried this might happen to me because sometimes my internet can be dodgy and Mario Kart 7 doesn't work when I try to go online. I manually changed my IP Address just to be prepared and I had the same problem afterwards, couldn't connect to the internet so I changed it back to normal. I hope you guys get this sorted and I hope I don't get this error when I get the game!
I've been getting the error too trying to play with a friend. Oddly enough, we can connect to others easily, but when we try to enter the same town, it gives us that same error. Like literally she was in a town with two other people, then I tried to enter and the error came. Either we're not allowed to coexist in the same game, or there's some bug thing going around :/
Having this same problem as well.

Can't leave my gates open, if I do I get disconnected and the resetti photo shows up.

Sort of sucks
I have this problem also. I played without issue with someone I met on reddit. As soon as I try to connect with my cousin, we have issues and can't even get the process started. He has a physical copy and I have the digital copy. My NAT is open and his should be too, so I doubt it's that...

Maybe it's just Nintendo server issues as the game JUST came out...
I get the error very often too. It's annoying cause I have to be saving every 5-10 minutes so my friends and I don't lose our progress.
I haven't got the game yet but I'm worried this might happen to me because sometimes my internet can be dodgy and Mario Kart 7 doesn't work when I try to go online. I manually changed my IP Address just to be prepared and I had the same problem afterwards, couldn't connect to the internet so I changed it back to normal. I hope you guys get this sorted and I hope I don't get this error when I get the game!

I know why MK7 doesn't work - it's TalkTalk internet!
Now I'm afraid that this will happen to me. I have internet with eircom and I could never play a full race online on MK7. I thought that it was my internet or something but now I know that it is not.
There's nothing wrong with your 3ds or your Internet. The game is what's causing problem. Try connecting to each other on a different game, the odds are that it's only just a bug with AC. It's just been released in the US so there are going to be bugs and glitches. Just hold out and wait for an update :)
I feel kinda dumb for asking this, but... it is possible to update physical copies, right?
Just to be sure^^"
There's nothing wrong with your 3ds or your Internet. The game is what's causing problem. Try connecting to each other on a different game, the odds are that it's only just a bug with AC. It's just been released in the US so there are going to be bugs and glitches. Just hold out and wait for an update :)

My wife and I were trying to connect locally (nearby town), and after 5 minutes, we errorred out of her town. tried her visiting my town, and we errorred out after maybe 4 minutes.

Is nintendo aware of the problems? are they in the habit of releasing timely patches to fix bugs? most of my nintendo experience is from pre-internet days, so i was wondering how quickly they learn about and respond to people's issues.

My wife and I were trying to connect locally (nearby town), and after 5 minutes, we errorred out of her town. tried her visiting my town, and we errorred out after maybe 4 minutes.

Is nintendo aware of the problems? are they in the habit of releasing timely patches to fix bugs? most of my nintendo experience is from pre-internet days, so i was wondering how quickly they learn about and respond to people's issues.


Within minutes or hours they'll be aware of bugs and glitches but god knows how long it'll take to fix the bug/glitch (if that) first they'll need to pinpoint the exact location and cause of the bug and then work on it. It could be a few hours to a week or two, however, Nintendo are fairly quick on fixing error problems which're out of the consumer's hands so ideally it wouldn't take too long.
I do hope they fix it as I plan on playing with my husband locally every day. That's the reason I pre-ordered him a copy too :)
I keep getting this error too when I try to visit friends towns. Ill be in for 5 minutes then get the error :(
Yeah I've experienced this issue in two separate towns, I think it has something to do with the internet connection failing or 'hiccuping' somehow mid-wifi. It stinks when you lose all your stuff I know.
My boyfriend and I live together so therefore use the same wifi. We have no problem connecting locally to each other's towns but when we try to both go to my sister's town (she does not live with us) through our wifi we get errors. Yet, when either of us try to go to her town alone using wifi it works. Also if I connect to a random person in our building's wifi and he remains on ours there is no problem and all 3 of us can hang in her town. So, I have gathered the problem arises whenever you and someone else using the same wifi try to play in game using wifi and not locally. Which is very unfortunate. This was also the case in city folk if you had two wii consoles in the same household and tried to visit each other's town through wifi. Sigh.

This particular situation sounds more like an issue with your router. I had a similar issue before, (Not with AC) where if I turned something internet related on, Wii, 3DS, Ps3, Laptop, Tablet etc, if someone else was using the connection it booted both of us off until it had time to re-connect both at the same time which took forever. I dealt with that forever until finally I bought a new router. Problem was solved. If you or your boyfriend wait a few minutes after the first person uses the connection, maybe that will help. Don't do it at the same time....

- - - Post Merge - - -

To everyone with the issues....Keep in mind Nintendo's server is probably packed to the roof with the release of this game. I remember with AC:WW this would happen occasionally as well. Being that NL just released and everyone and their mom is trying to get on the server at once, it's bound to have some glitches. I would say before panicking, give it a few days (or a week) for it to simmer down and people to calm their AC Internet needs lol.

To those with the local issues, I am not sure what could be causing problems but keep in mind there could be something in your house, or nearby causing interference (My microwave cannot be run without slowing down the internet and it's 20 ft away from my router.) Although I understand the router has nothing to do with local play, it, as well as the DS can both receive interference. Look for nearby devices that could be possibly causing issues with your DS connections.
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Yeah, I get a similar error when trying to join certain friend's towns. It's weird that they can visit other people's towns and invite them as well. We tried fiddling with our routers and settings but nothing has been fixed. I guess the best we can do is wait for Nintendo to come up with a patch or something.
I feel kinda dumb for asking this, but... it is possible to update physical copies, right?
Just to be sure^^"

Yes, Isabelle asks you when you start up the game to start, or "There's something else" or whatever option it gives you. She then gives you something like 3 other options. One being to look for updates.