Animal Crossing 3DS not in development???


Nefarious did this.
Jun 11, 2005
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3DSBUZZ said:
Why the short supply of Animal Crossing information? In an interview with 3DS Buzz, James Honeywell, Nintendo UK?s head of marketing, seemed to be telling us that what we saw at E3 wasn?t necessarily a game in production, but rather a demonstration of what was possible.

Nintendo said:
?the demo was shown at E3 to showcase how an Animal Crossing game could and might look running on 3DS.

Contrast that with his answer to our questions about release dates for Zelda OoT, Mario Kart 3DS and Paper Mario 3DS, where he specifically stated that, ??they are very much in development for 3DS.?
I kinda figured as much tbh, the demo we saw definitely looked a little off.
oh well, then if that actually happens i will go back to city folk
I don't think this is true. I'm sure the reason why no new information is that it's just coming out later than all the other titles.
Nintendo UK's head of marketing probably doesn't know best when it comes to this. Wish we knew for sure.
Remember, City Folk was announced really early and didn't turn up for long, but eventually did?
I believe it is an real game coming out. They wouldn't list it as a future game.

It was originally going around that the OOT remake was just a tech demo as well and look what happened with that.

Besides it's rather sad when a "tech demo" for a handheld console looks like it did way more to advance the series than the last version on the home console ever did.
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Life could be worse y'know? Plus AC-3DS isn't REALLY one of the major games on the 3DS 'to come' rouster. I'm more interested in the Mario Kart, OoT, Street Fighter .etc which are coming out.
Or the more likely case is that Nintendo has pulled it back to allow them to finish other games which have a higher demand and they'll work on AC-3DS in a small dark lab with a mad scientist who will one day exclaim:


Life could be worse y'know? Plus AC-3DS isn't REALLY one of the major games on the 3DS 'to come' rouster. I'm more interested in the Mario Kart, OoT, Street Fighter .etc which are coming out.

In your opinion, maybe.

Ever since AC:GCN came out and I loved it an AC has always been a big point in me deciding that I want to get a console.

I couldn't care less about Street Fighter. Mario Kart will just be another Mario Kart, and OOT 3DS, well lets be honest it's a remake. An exciting one, yes, but not enough for me put over this AC game which looks like it has changed so much.
In your opinion, maybe.

Ever since AC:GCN came out and I loved it an AC has always been a big point in me deciding that I want to get a console.

I couldn't care less about Street Fighter. Mario Kart will just be another Mario Kart, and OOT 3DS, well lets be honest it's a remake. An exciting one, yes, but not enough for me put over this AC game which looks like it has changed so much.

Unfortunatly, like every money making company. Nintendo has to focus on the many rather then the few.
I doubt they really care what 1 customer thinks when another 20 want another game. Animal Crossing isn't much of a 'big game' considering the other titles coming out. There is a high chance they won't bother and its just a technical excerise. Or they will bother and it may take awhile. Fact of the matter is Nintendo doesn't rate the demand for the game high enough to bother releasing it anytime soon.
This doesn't necessarily say anything, actually. They just said it was showcased to demonstrate the 3D potential. I just see this as a way of dodging the question.
Although what this DOES mean is that all the changes we did see in the video could be scrapped.
This doesn't necessarily say anything, actually. They just said it was showcased to demonstrate the 3D potential. I just see this as a way of dodging the question.
Although what this DOES mean is that all the changes we did see in the video could be scrapped.

Like how they made a video showing Megaman in Melee and then he was scrapped in the final stages.
If you acually read what the interview: the UK spokesperson never said it WASN'T in development.
This is making a big deal out of nothing. The spokesperson didn't say much about AC: 3D probably because he himself doesn't know much about it and the game is probably still in its beginning stages compared to Mario Kart, Zelda which will be released soon.

The guy on the website is a total idiot who is making a huge misunderstanding, probably to get more attention to the website or something.

Oh, and to people who say "Animal Crossing isn't a very important game to Nintendo"
Uh, AC is one of THE most popular games Nintendo has. I'm not sure if you have noticed, but it has been on every system Nintendo handheld and console since the N64, and DS. In fact, the game was so popular on the Gamecube in Japan (JAPAN: Which in case you may not know, is the core of Nintendo) that Nintendo used WiFi, yes the first WiFi experience on the DS, for the first time on Animal Crossing: WW. The game series is huge; I have no idea what you are talking about when you say its not an important asset to Nintendo.

Anyway, I still have hope for it to come to JP and USA /Canada this year. Though, if nothing is at E3 2011 on the game then it would be time to considered the game MIA.
Unfortunatly, like every money making company. Nintendo has to focus on the many rather then the few.
I doubt they really care what 1 customer thinks when another 20 want another game. Animal Crossing isn't much of a 'big game' considering the other titles coming out. There is a high chance they won't bother and its just a technical excerise. Or they will bother and it may take awhile. Fact of the matter is Nintendo doesn't rate the demand for the game high enough to bother releasing it anytime soon.

Animal crossing city folk sold 3.22 million units.
Animal Crossing wild world sold 9.55 million units.

Thats pretty high demand.
Animal crossing city folk sold 3.22 million units.
Animal Crossing wild world sold 9.55 million units.

Thats pretty high demand.

Please read my other points. I pointed out Money is just one thing.
Plus as your figures show the demand has actually dropped. So to Nintendo they think "Hm. Maybe we should hold back? It might not be as popular."

Plus theres things like Dev issues. There might be a million and one bugs in it which they're still on the ironing board with.

I dunno why everyone is getting to so worked up. Alot of games companys show pre-release footage of games and never really develop them, or just do it at such a snails pace. Hell, they might be working on it feverishly now just to make it so it beats WW/CF and the GCN version.