Something Very Rare That Has Happened to You in Animal Crossing

It's new leaf. But it's never happened for me in any other save file I've ever had for new leaf.
Must either be one hell of a coincidence or your game has a really weird glitch for some reason that you've never had before, but I've never heard anything about a glitch like that, and I've been playing NL since 2020 lol.
Got only sand dollars for like three days appear on the beach. Ik they're the most common, but usually there's a mix
In New Leaf, I once went into a Kapin island, fergot to save, and I think the reseti did not come, and then the date was wrong because it was set to yesterday (?), and I had to change it.
Sasha, and Sherb gave me this conversation where they gave me an item Then told me about how much they treasure our friendship, and the island.

Sherb was esspecially emotinal because he mentioned how he had been on my island for so long, he never thought he'd ever have a friend like me for this long. Sherb was my first lazy, so I found it really sweet.
I've never seen anyone else mention this, so here it goes: In Wild World, I would look through villagers wardrobes, just to see the flavor text. Some of it is well documented- talking about Rupees or Luigi's clothes being in there- but there was one bit of flavor text I got that scared me. I was in Elmer's house, and checked his dresser or w/e.
"You saw something you weren't meant to see. Well, it's been nice knowing you!"
I saw that probably 12+ years ago, and it's stuck with me ever since. I've never seen it mentioned anywhere else on the internet aside from my own comments and the one Animal Crossing creepypasta I wrote. I don't have a picture, since it was from so long ago, but it happened.
Because I've never seen it mentioned elsewhere, I assume it's fairly rare flavor text.
Does triggering the gyroid face "glitch" count? Scared the hell out of me as a kid and made me delete my entire town out of fear. lol