What potential features do you hope will NEVER be in an Animal Crossing game?

I’ve always loved the idea of customizable villagers, but it would be a bit overwhelming for some people (myself included, realistically, as much as I would love to try this out)… so if this does become a thing, it should be optional.
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Maaan, the HHA can go suck an egg. 👅👎 Maybe Zipper T Bunny has a big rotten one for 'em. 🐰🥚 I never cared for the HHA's ratings. They just spam your mailbox with their junk mail and whine about furniture facing the "wrong" direction. Those clowns are lucky you can't bury pitfall seeds immediately in front of the door. 😠🚪
For real. I can’t effing stand the HRA/HHA. It’s tolerable and City Folk and Leaf, as you can opt out of getting letters in cityfolk and you only get letters in new leaf when you reach a certain milestone, but in the other three games, it’s just a mess. Especially GameCube! Oh my God! Do not even get me started…

Well, this feature is already in an Animal Crossing game so it already fails the "never" part, but I seriously hope that breakable tools are never featured in any future Animal Crossing game ever again.
Same here! no one wants to shovel up flowers, do watering, catch fish, catch bugs, etc., only to have to buy another tool, or go through the rigmarole of crafting one. This is easily my least favorite feature introduced into New Horizons.
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Oh... A 'build your own villager' feature would be incredibly terrifying. That would turn Animal Crossing into a game of Frankenstein.

No. Just... No.
I would honestly love this. I'd make an undead village! Mwa ha ha!

But uhm... one thing I'd hate to see in the game is players being forced into the same house again like Wild World. I don't think they'll ever do this again, but who knows?
Full voice acting would be so cursed, I know it seems like it would be too much to develop but some day I could imagine offloading it to AI and I'd rather not, Animalese is so cute :(
I wish that there were no loans every day in animal crossing I see that I have millions of bells that need to be payed even tho I didn't ask for a loan. Tom Nook is basically drowning me in a sea of debt.
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Oh... A 'build your own villager' feature would be incredibly terrifying. That would turn Animal Crossing into a game of Frankenstein.

No. Just... No.
haha true! and I don't think it'd be terrifying unless you make a terrifying villager
I hope there's never any obligation to play. Like "if you don't do x every day, y will happen". Like someone will die or something. It won't happen, but it would be horrible if it did. Also I've probably already commented here, but I don't remember
I would hate for more real-life aspects to be added. Animal Crossing is my escape from reality, I don't need reality being pushed in my face when I'm trying to run away from my responsibility. My escapism is supposed to be cute and sweet towns, with little animal villagers and cute decorations, not the real world.
no online economy. visiting/trading with friends and the NPC nook/able/etc shops are the perfect balance right now of availability and scarcity. if there was a full online trading feature, people would time travel and hack items and all sorts of stuff that would quickly ruin it for everyone
with the addition of breakable tools in new horizons (which i was not a fan of), i hope a hunger mechanic is never added to the game. fruits/food are essentially useless aside from eating to move trees around but if a hunger meter were added (your character must eat or else a consequence happens such as fainting), it would completely ruin the game IMO.
no online economy. visiting/trading with friends and the NPC nook/able/etc shops are the perfect balance right now of availability and scarcity. if there was a full online trading feature, people would time travel and hack items and all sorts of stuff that would quickly ruin it for everyone
I mean this is pretty much what happened when the game first came out. The trading economy just got so messed up and kind of never recovered. Everyone was asking for the flight tickets. And not just 1 but like 50 for something easily obtainable. It just ruined it in the beginning for anyone not wanting to hack or dupe.