Animal Crossing City Folk: Age Groups

No you can join these sites if you're under 13, it's just that you can't put your City Folk information on the side and you can't put your information on your profile without your parent signing a COPPA form and sending it in. So all you people who are under 13 and are able to display your info, you either forged your age or your parents signed the COPPA form. I'm guessing you forged you age.
MattyofAlbion said:
wth so many 10 year olds!!! how are you even allowed on these sites?
dude this forum is about a VIDEO GAME. and theres strict RULES.
age dosent really matter anyway.
Wasn't there already a question like this in the 'Off-Topic' section? Eh, I don't really care. I'm in the group that is above 13 Years of Age but under 18.
11-15 although there is a great amount of maturity difference between an eleven and fifteen year old.