Animal Crossing Gardeners

Ehingen Guy said:
I'll join for the heck of it. I'm basically a professional addict at crossbreeding and I helped a few people on TBT crossbreed <small><small><small><small><small><small><small><small><small><small>
and dupe... >:3
</small></small></small></small></small></small></small></small></small></small>, including MrMr.

Name: Aaron
Age: Unspecified
Got a gold/silver can?: Yes, but there's no big difference on which can I use.
Are you mature: Yes, but I like to crack jokes and hit people with my net. :p
*herm* And wetting people with yer can ;D And I will never forget yer bread loaf either... :3

Also aren't you nearly like... (what you told me your age was last time but +1) :?


Name: Annie
Age: Can't say
Got a gold/silver can?: Yes, I use the silver one in CF for turnips and Gold in WW
Are you mature: Mrmr, you seen me in portal... do I look mature ;D

Also I'm planning to get back to WW but I'm too lazy to take my store of like 300 or so hybrids out... So I might start again fresh... :3 (mainly on the Jap version of WW which noone else have which is quite depressing, I want wifi on it... ;_;)

Also Mrmr, don't post my FC on here, I know you have it but I don't give it out to strangers... ;P
ooo, you made a new group :eek:
good luck with it mrmr ^_^
i'd join in but i have too much to do in one group as it is, im sure you know what i mean :p
does this group host events? maybe a flower show by making a picture with flowers etc.
sounds good-

Name: Dillon
Age: 2 weeks-912784y608 years
Animal Crossing Friend Code: 1891-5325-0398
Do you have a Silver or Gold Can? I prefer the silver
Do you know how to crossbreed flowers? yep
I'll add you once I'm on my computer.

I'll soon make badges. They will be for obtaining certain kinds of hybrids, then I'll add a few more.

All members can host events at any times! Make use of this, and meet other members. It's an easy first badge!
MrMr said:
I'll add you once I'm on my computer.

I'll soon make badges. They will be for obtaining certain kinds of hybrids, then I'll add a few more.

All members can host events at any times! Make use of this, and meet other members. It's an easy first badge!
hehe I have all of em on WW and CF ;D

Too many on WW... XD
If you're in this group, and feel like meeting up with me, it's no problem! I'd like to see how you are doing with your hybrids, and just talk. I could also give some advice!
Name: Cody
Age: 15
Animal Crossing Friend Code: 1849-0479-6009
Do you have a Silver or Gold Can? both
Do you know how to crossbreed flowers? i ues to, but that was a year ago soo... i maght need some help.
Welcome, I'll put you in 2 days from now, when I can use my computer. (No, I'm not a bad boy, I just won't be home.) I'll be glad to help you with the flowers.
Get together event today, at my town! You will be given shortly after the first badge if you come!

Party - 2PM EST
Ehingen Guy