🌹Animal Crossing Journals: The 1 Year Challenge, 2017 Edition🌹

Hello everyone!

As you probably all know, school has started for a lot of people, and I am no exception. This is why, I need a small group of people to moderate and help out with the challenge while I am not around. Here's what I'm looking for:

  • Active member's of the community and the forums who are reliable and helpful people.
  • Someone who is able to put time into helping. Preferably someone who does not go to school, there may be exceptions.
  • A trustworthy person who I can rely on in any situation and can enforce rules, regulations and carry out any tasks.
  • You MUST be participating in the challenge.

Here's what I'd like you to do. Send me a PM with the title, 'Secretary Application and write me an application on why you are the perfect person for the job. I want you to include reasonings why, your timezone, what makes you stand out from everyone else, availability, examples of past experience with moderation if possible.

This is a big responsibility to accept. Moderators of the challenge will be outlined in the thread and given the @Secretaries role in the Discord Server.

Thank you everyone and please continue to enjoy the challenge! The feedback and the people participating have been so positive!

PS. When I get the chance, the server may be open to the public, obviously I cannot advertise on the front page but here's me just saying.
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hello everyone! hope you're having a good day. today i finally went and bought an NFC reader and a pack of amiibo series 4 cards - got ribbit, zipper and anabelle. i've ordered a few more packs and they should be arriving tomorrow so i'll be sure to let you know if there's anything good lol.

January 5th

★ welcomed victoria to the town (none of these animals i want to keep lol)
★ started first PWP - a suspension bridge
★ snowmen numbers are 41, 39 and 43 if anyone needs those! still haven't got a bingo yet
★ summoned zipper and got his photo from Wisp
★ unlocked the island (yaaaasssss)
★ caught new fish/bugs at the island and donated them to the museum
★ played tournaments to get the medal count up to 50 (incase of wetsuit or club tortimer, never joined that before so it'll be an experience)
★ caught a coelacanth!!! donated that to the museum
★ went beetle farming
★ paid off home loan
★ paid off PWP
★ got new hybrid flowers - another purple rose, blue lillies and a pink cosmos. i'm thinking of keeping the colour scheme of the flowers purple/white/black? not sure yet. the overall theme is going to be woodlands so if you have any thoughts let me know!
★ bought the neutral painting from Redd (hopefully it's real lol)

i'm having trouble choosing the placement of the campsite, i was going to move it in the top right hand corner but victoria moved in there.. the plan is to have all my villagers on the right hand side.. included a pic of my map in the screenshots so if anyone can help me that would be gr8 ~

Wow I managed to catch about 9 in an hour on my main town. Hopefully I'll have luck with my newest one ;0;
sorry i've been so inactive on here!! here's a mega-post about the first 6 days in moonsong!

☆ my mayor's name is luna! i ended up deciding that i will try and do a sailor-moon inspired town (whether i'll have any success is a different story!) so i've named my second character artemis!! can't wait to unlock shampoodles so they can get their proper hair colour!
☆ i'm really happy with my map! i got some great starters, and my native fruit is cherries! (i have oranges in my main town so i'm glad i got something nice, haha) there are lots of rocks, but i can work around that
☆ i found wisp on day 2, but i keep forgetting to scan my cards! i probably should, need to rack up those MEOW coupons...
☆ pashmina was my first move-in. she's probably one of the cutest uchis, so no arguments there
☆ katrina also visited on day 2, and redd visited later on in the week, so i've already managed to start my art collection!
☆ marshal plotted on day 4!!! i was so excited because i'm not even plot or villager resetting! i've never had him before, and i will definitely keep him - i can see why people love him so much now! he's so cuteeeee
☆ this morning i saw bill plotted! he's my favourite villager ever, but i already have him in my main town (also he moved RIGHT in front of the town hall) so i'll move him out eventually.
☆ i've unlocked the island so i'm working on catching all the island bugs / fish and doing a bit of diving.
☆ i've got most of january's bugs and fish - this isn't something i really focus on in my main town, and it's a nice change of pace. i forgot how relaxing fishing can be! except when i press A too soon and lose a shark ;~;

now prepare for a screenshot dump!!


i'm super proud of this because i made it myself! can't wait for the QR machine to unlock though!

i'm really enjoying the challenge so far! thanks so much to Sensai for organising it!
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I recreated my town so that I could actually have a January 1st start (time-traveling from March 2016 felt wrong). Still a day behind though, trying to catch up!
This is quite off-topic, but what is the easiest way to take and upload a screenshot of the town map? Is it using miiverse? Somehow my devices are not cooperating. Thanks in advance for anyone willing to help out :3
None of my friends have a 3ds, so I've always played ACNL by myself. It's nice to finally be part of a community. :)


Character: Ren
Town: Koriko
Villagers: Daisy, Elisa, Gaston, Anicotti, Ozzie (+ Moose, Shari)
Fruit: Peach

I like seeing everyone's play journals. Here's a recap, since I have 5 days to catch up on.
And Mochi, I like your bullet points so I'm gonna do the same. :)

JANUARY 1, 2017
★ Typical first day stuff lol
★ Paid the down payment



JANUARY 2, 2017
★ Paid off the 1st house loan
★ Found Wisp
★ Planted cherries from Isabelle
★ Got wallpaper (Robo-Wall) and flooring (Rococo) from Saharah
★ Caught TWO stringfish! :eek:
★ Lots of furniture from Snowmam



JANUARY 3, 2017
★ Met Tortimer and Digby
★ House has been expanded
★ 100% town approval!
★ Found Gulliver, he's heading to Germany now (auf wiedersehen)
★ Goose officially moved in




JANUARY 4, 2017
★ Mr. Resetti popped up, asked me to make a reset centre lol
★ Completed all initiatives available
★ Went to the island for the first time and caught a LOT of beetles
★ Paid for a cobblestone bridge (thank you beetles)
★ Managed to pay off my debt again (thank you beetles)



JANUARY 5, 2017
★ Shari officially moved in
★ Made a perfect snowman
★ The typical daily chores otherwise (shopping, bug-catching, fishing, fossils, etc.)
★ In other news, I am enjoying this 2nd bridge


Day 5:

Only did a bit of grinding at the island, for I have come down with a terrible fever and my mind can't comprehend most things.
Hopefully Ill feel better tomorrow.
Day 5, all I really did was grind for money, talk to neighbors, and catch fish and bugs
When you're too tired and have school + homework and don't play at all today.
I've been busy posting on the discord and not on here, but my first days in the challenge have gone really well, finished my paths and planning where to let villagers plot, moved in my mule, I named him Koda and he's going to be my mayor's love interest. XD Unlocked the island and did my first beetle grind tonight to pay off my bridge! So excited for how well it's been going!
I recreated my town so that I could actually have a January 1st start (time-traveling from March 2016 felt wrong). Still a day behind though, trying to catch up!
This is quite off-topic, but what is the easiest way to take and upload a screenshot of the town map? Is it using miiverse? Somehow my devices are not cooperating. Thanks in advance for anyone willing to help out :3

Hi :) And welcome to the challenge!

Yeah, I've found the easiest way to upload a bottom screen screenshot is through the Miiverse.
Just save it to your album if you don't want to create a play diary :D It's what I usually do
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Day 6 (6/1)
Woke up earlier today so I could get more done today before work.
Did the usual routine of watering the plants, digging up fossils and finding the money rock. I also planted some more pear trees.
The Garden Shop is under construction!
Got my fortune told by Katrina, I got told to wear a hat for good fortune, luckily I have my trusty badge hat!
Klaus is moving in!
My house got expanded today, I need to get a new carpet since it still has the default flooring...
I forgot to speak to Tortimer yesterday so Isabelle gave me a little telling off when I loaded up the game.
Donated more fish to the museum.
Gabi and Agnes both visited my house. I popped round to Queenie's and she had fallen asleep while cooking! :O

Ilvia picture album

Town name: Ilvia
Mayor: Emma
Fruit: Oranges, Pears

I have also joined the discord server, I can't guarantee how active I'll be on there but I'll pop up as much as I can!
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Latibule Day 5~

- Campsite is built
- Started funds and payed off the Suspension Bridge
- Donated fossils, ran errands for villagers etc
- Payed off home loan
- Got throwing beans from Harvey!
Day 6

Yesterday's Goals:
Goals For Tomorrow:
- Usual chores
- Find the new house plot (hopefully it's in the designated areas if I did the pattern thing right!)
- Built a new Snowman
- Replot the campsite
- Write 3 letters to townsfolk
- Clean up the island and beetle farm!

Goals I completed:
- Usual chores
- Found the new house; Chadder is moving in. However, I didn't place the patterns correctly and he moved in RIGHT next to my house. I redid the patterns in my town, creating diagonal lines. The next move-in SHOULD be in the designated areas.
- I built the Snowtyke
- I replotted the campsite a few spaces to the left and paid it off - I'll be built tomorrow
- I wrote a letter to Sydney, Whitney and Penelope
- I cleaned up the island and make more than 300K from beetle farming

Other Things That Happened:
- I completed a few favors for some villagers
- I got a new piece of ice furniture
- I got a piece of furniture from Gulliver
- I caught a handful of deep sea creatures and donated them
- The gardening shop is under construction
- Paid off my house mortgage - it'll be expanded tomorrow.

Goals For Tomorrow:
- Usual chores
- Move all of my flowers onto the beach
- Set up some flowers to breed for hybrids (black, purple, pink and blue colours)
- {OPTIONAL} Beetle farming
- {IF I BEETLE FARM} Pay off next mortgage
Day 6

usual stuff to do.
finally went to the island.
caught the pricey bugs so i could donate those first.
extra bugs/fish im caught that didnt need donating i sold.
also got a wet suit on my first day!
dont have to wait for one for days now!!
finished building the campsite
moved skye in.

all in all good day!
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Gosh. I hope i'll make a town soon, I've been working on my 3rd town, Jadeberg that I haven't been fooling with this. *Le Gasp!*
Day 6

Today in Burray the new suspension bridge has been completed which makes it much easier to move around town.

The gardening shop is being constructed on Main Street.

Wart jr is tomorrow's move in. I will have 3 frogs in town then, ANCL what are you thinking?

On the up side Marshal was my first camper in the campsite and I persuaded him to move in.

I will have the next house construction tomorrow.
hey! i've had a nice day today, my amiibo cards got delivered and in the packs i got grams, leilani, merry & hamlet! i'm happy about that c: didn't do that much grinding today, i didn't beetle farm as much as i would have liked but my mind has been in other places! hope you're all having a good day.

January 6th

★suspension bridge was built, now i can get to the beach without having to do a lap around the WHOLE town
★ gardening store is under construction!
★ our town tree grew a little bit yayyyyy
★ sahara was in town - let her deck out the house (it's..okay)
★ plotted the campsite in the lower right hand corner of the map
★ paid it off with bug money (lol)
★ summoned hamlet through wisp and asked him to move in and HE IS <33
★ @Locket came over and we did some island tours and went to eachothers towns
★ camofrog sold me a painting.. that turned out to be FAKE. JUST LIKE OUR FRIENDSHIP.
★ graham is moving in! but i messed up the pattern so its just to the left of where i would like him lol, don't want him to stay either tho so once he moves out it should be fine
★ bought out nooks/ables
★ house should be getting expanded tomorrow!
★ donated some more fish and bugs and fossils to the museum, almost completed all of january! (why am i having trouble catching the GOLDFISH?!)
★ watered my flowers, hoping for more hybrids tomorrow

