• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

🌹Animal Crossing Journals: The 1 Year Challenge, 2017 Edition🌹

I did some extra things yesterday but I'll add into today.
Bliss day 8:
*made new shirts for villagers in Mable's they are jackets with scarfs :)
*inacted early bird ordinance
*it was snowing in town, failed at catching a celocanth
*my smug was saying I was "tyrannical for using ealry bird ordinance but now he's adjusted he has time for walks and a morning routine" I've had the ordinance in affect one morning. This morning. Whatever then
*Stitches had me over again? It's so cute because he lives right next to me. Like three spaces to the left.
*Pecan visited my house.
*Did chores
*Gave up on campsite placement last night now building a bridge instead
*Meringue is going to move in,she's a cutie
*gave up on pathing for houses so undid that
*tried diving trick gave up after someone asked for an apple
*did some meow coupon things
*fortune cookie was hero's boots! Yay new shoes I hate the default ones

Overall good day but I was frustrated overall lol.

New challenges yay.
Hah hah I'm not doing the metals one I just got 40 for a swimsuit but good luck to everyone who does!
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Day 8, I bought a turnip worth of 500,000 bells, made a perfect snowboy, got more hybrid tulips, got the illuminated heart requested, and I'll be beetle farming later xoxo
haven't had too much of a productive day today - been more productive irl for once lol.

8th January

★ finally caught a goldfish!
★ also caught a bagworm and a centipede
★ went beetle farming for a little while but when i came back re-tail had shut ;w;
★ talked to the villagers for a little while and did a few requests
★ did my initiatives for the day - catch a bee and donate a new insect to the museum
★ visited @foxgloves town and bought a couple of items from lotties RV (i think it was the wii and ds)
★ visited another friends town so i could go see their snowman! got a bingo and won a curling stone (for real?)
★ he was also kind enough to give me a silver net, slingshot and fishing rod!
★ went and visited the campsite, agent S was there today but i don't want her in my town so i just kinda ignored her lmao
★ bought an axe from the gardening shop and started working on cutting down ma treeeez (i just want the cedar ones and a few peach trees i think)
★ watered my flowers
★ bought out nooks and ables again
★ spawned leilani through wisp and got a regal bookcase

can i also just say that the igloo looked so cute but the screenshot doesn't do it justice !!!!

So, I accidentally TT'ed today. I set the clock to the proper date hoping I'd have better odds with downloading the 1.5 update (wasn't sure if it was effected by the clock like Windows Updates or what and googling the errors I would get turned up no useful results). Turns out it didn't matter much, just needed sheer will and perseverance to continue the download every time it spat out an error. In any case, I downloaded the update (FINALLY) but forgot to reset the clock, quit without saving when I realized and got Resetti'd.

That said, I wound up buying from Nooklings and Ables twice; rather than the usual 3, I donated 6 fossils. My house is now built (I paid the down payment today) and the 39,800 is paid off. Jitters and Canberra moved in (her house is full of boxes, Jitters would have joined on the 3rd). Went from 49% approval rating to 77%. The only real effect this mess-up will have is possibly 2 entries for the 8th on the bulletin board.

It was an otherwise normal day...
- bought out the shops
- did some fishing
- did some bug catching (finally got a bee)
- changed my town flag and tune
- watered some flowers and spoke to villagers
- got cherries from Isabelle
- bought a water bottle(?) from Harvey
- Celia sold her Regal Bed at Re-tail and ofc I bought it (how could I not? 2,000 some odd bells vs the original price!)
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People in the discord would have seen this but I figured I should post here for anyone who isn't in the discord...

I don't want to go into major detail, but something very bad has happened in my family which is going to effect us for quite a long time. Because of it I won't be able to make my daily posts (it is 1am 9/1 where I am and some may have noticed my lack of day 8 update) as I will have other, much more important commitments. I will still be trying to play at least 30 mins everyday and still doing the 1 year challenge, and depending on how things go I may be able to start doing my daily updates on here again but for now I'll only be doing small updates for big things that happen in game on the discord.

Thank you to all my new friends in the discord group for all the well wishes, I'd rather keep the details of what has happened on the discord rather than on TBT please (but I know none of you would do that anyway x ) and, since I'll be away for a while, good luck to everyone with their challenges!
I don't have the enduring commitment to post daily updates, but thought I'd provide a weekly overview :3

~ Elysium Post: Week One ~
Main Events and Developments

January 1-3
♣ Arrived in town, proclaimed Mayor, and planted a tree just shy of midnight on January 1, 2017
♣ Received helpful advice for life in town from my secretary and neighbors (still no explanation for being elected though)
♣ Gained the villagers approval by running errands and donating to an empty museum (how did they cope before?)
♣ Woke an unconscious but seasoned sailor (Elysium must be less than a day's journey from Greece)
♣ Experienced winter for the first time, built snowmen and boys, collected snowflakes (the size of my head)
♣ Met a new neighbor, Deirdre - bossy but generous (gave me medicine for my bee stings. yes, plural)
♣ Submitted an application for a Development Permit, commissioned a second bridge (no more hikes to the town center!)

January 4-5
♣ Played hide-and-seek for the first time (the villagers, not me. I see your antlers, Erik)
♣ First big Orange harvest (also planted pears, cherries and apples)
♣ Welcomed a new villager, Chai (offers me to have a pick of her furniture, then denies any selection)
♣ Visited a tropical island with a friend (came home with mangoes and bananas)
♣ Received interior design advice from a Camel (regal and cabin furniture? have this wall of sports fans! harmony, balance, yes)
♣ Passed the Bell Boom ordinance (how this economy survived is beyond me; neighbors need help with simply chores and hobbies)

January 6-7
♣ The second bridge has seemingly opened a whole new part of town to the villagers (now all in my front yard)
♣ Had my fortune told (advised to wear a tee to avoid catastrophe - in winter, during snowfall. found more money - the cat knows)
♣ Made the acquaintance of Leopold (a lion professor who immediately bought my old bookshelf)
♣ Commissioned a campsite to encourage tourism (for those who prefer more traditional camping. no offense Harv)
♣ Was invited to the previous mayors Island (returned with new museum donations, as well as lemons and coconuts)

Week Goals: Gathering all Native Fruit
Achieved with a one-day delay (though I played the week in the course of only 4 days - thank goodness for winter break!)
! Shout-out to mocha., who came with a delivery of Cosmos Peaches - they've been planted in front of Retail in memory of the first forum visitor to Elysium :3
Day 8 in Plaża

- Finished the Medal Challenge and collected my 50 medals
- Had the Police station suggested to me!
- Celebrated having another bridge built
- Did my daily chores
- Paid off my home loan
- Had Cyrus unlocked!
- Started placing some bushes where I will be having pathways
- Finishing my night off with grinding at the island!

Some pictures from today:




All that matters is I finally got that mole cricket. I must of unearthed it half a dozen times and missed.

-I have been really taking advantage of the island to get bells and fill my encyclopedia. I reached the medal challenge amount for the month as well.
-Full of bee stings from shaking trees, I really want to get my catalog going to wake up Cyrus
-Got my first badge, 50,000 points on my home. I filled it with ice furniture. The letter writer one should be next.
-Beautiful ordinance, campground and a bridge built.
-Going to try to work on my hybrids next.
Latibule Day 8 ~

- Kyle is moving in!
- Cyrus woke up!
- Invested 400k in turnips!
- Completed initiatives
- Walt suggested the drilling rig (which I am definitely NOT building)
Day 8

I forgot to psot yesterday, but nothing much happened.
Just did the usual stuff round town and talked to villagers

Day 9

Im back to work today so im not going to be playing much during the week.
But today i did the usual stuff, talked to the villagers, bought out the stores
paid off the home loan.

I have an idea on the flowers i want round town and my house interior for this town.

Hopefully tomorrow i can do a bit more when i dont have to work to jobs!
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Given the fact that...
a) I've already TT'd (by accident)
b) I am not part of the discord group (therefore, there's little incentive to try to get some of these challenges that require communication done)
c) I don't like how behind I am, compared to the rest of the participants
d) I don't like playing on the wrong date

I think I'm going to have to let this challenge go in favor of the themed one being held by pocky: http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?400615-2017-A-New-Challenge-(Always-Open-to-Newcomers)
While I do like the idea of this one, the other one is a bit more lenient in allowing TT to be on the same page as everyone else. Sorry... I'll try to join the next non-themed year challenge next year, I guess.
started on time, just haven't had a moment to post my stuff haha

🌸 week one! 🌸
  • arrived in rosewood!
  • donated a whole bunch of fossils and fish
  • muffy moved in!
  • paid off my first house loan c:
  • redd came by...but all of his pieces were fake!

i can't remember all the stuff that happened tbh... it was a lot though!
i'll probably post later with an actual day eight and nine post haha


Augh,yooo~ I was out from like 10am to 11pm playing D&D and then we just talked until 2am so I didn't do much :p But man it was great and I am hype!! (My D&D friends are some of the people playing acnl with me x3)

- got 55 medals on island
- did usual chores (watered flowers, talked to most villies, dug up fossils, donated, etc.)
- talked to Sable <3
- finally got campsite glitch under control :/ I didn't get to celebrate its development, but at least it's working now *loud agitated sigh*
- Bought nearly a million bells worth of turnips :,D
- Got a painting, I'll update later, I forgot what it was xD
- Francine placed her home c:

I'll update later with 1/9 events! :D One of my D&D buddies spent the night and is planning to play acnl with me today, so I'm hype c:

In Elysium, Marty has officially moved in and Cyrus is finally offering Refurbishing! Would anyone be interested in visiting his RV later today? I enjoyed having visitors in town yesterday *bounce*
In Bliss:
I didn't write yesterday was busy.
Day 9:
*Mergune moved in
*Wrote letters to villagers
*Dove and fishing
*Cookie was a WiiU
Not much happened

Today Day10:
*Tomorrow store is closed for upgrading
*Kicks being built
*planted trees
*cookie was virtual boy
*fishing diving
*went to island
Good day overall
Been inactive for the last two days - I'll try and play some more tomorrow! I'm going to set some goals as these have motivated me to play so far.

- Daily fossils
- Hybrid gardens
- Fake rock and money rock
- Buy out ALL shops - no exceptions
- Collect 50 medals at the island
- Beetle farm
- {IF THEY'RE AVALIABLE} Adopt a dreamie!
my posts are probably gonna be more inactive now I'm back to work but I'll try and group them together as often as I can! Posing from my phone today bcos it's late, havent got any screenshots today either but I'll try and get them sorted either tomorrow or Thursday!

January 9th

? did daily chores like watering flowers, talking to villagers, finding fossils etc
? bought out nooks & ables and talked to sable! Hopefully only a day or two until I unlock the QR machine!! Can't wait!
? also bought lots of turnips on Sunday which I forgot to mention, visited a town and made hella profit which will be going in the bank to fund any house loans since I won't have time to beetle farm this week
? Katrina was in town again so I got my fortune told and she said I had to wear a cute accessory.. I think my little star clip is cute!
? CYRUS WOKE UP I'm p sure this is the first time this has ever happened in any ACNL game I've played so idk what I've been doing wrong in the past lmao
? paid off home loan
? played lots and lots of desert island escape, it's so addictive but I can never beat the score haha

January 10th

I didn't play until really late so not much happened today I'm afraid ;w;

? did usual chores, got one more purple rose yayyy (I need to work on breeding more than just roses but I just love em)
? phineas was in town so I went and spoke to him and got a badge for trading turnips (I've forgotten the name already)
? found a lost item in town and returned it to marcel, never had this happen before so it was a welcome change!
? summoned Harry through wisp and got my meow coins
? upgraded the house and chose the secret storeroom
? bought out nook/ables again (when will nooklings expand ffs)

I apologise if there are any typos, my phone won't let me zoom in to write all this so I'm having to rely on my highly magnified vision lmao. Hope you're all having a fab day, can't wait for the weekend so I can spend some proper time planning my town out! Especially once I get the QR machine c: if anyone wants to visit eachothers towns or islands or grind for medals or w/e this weekend give me a pm! ❤️
so excited, t&t mart will be built tomorrow, kick's is being built now, and leif FINALLY had an axe for sale!!

- - - Post Merge - - -

oh also i unlocked dream suite as a PWP!!!
In Burray the store will be upgraded tomorrow. The dream suite will also be available tomorrow. I have demolished my diagonal bridge, I don't know why but I don't like diagonal bridges, and replaced it with a straight one. So I now have my 3 suspension bridges which makes getting around town much quicker.

I have done quite a few tours on the island and got a black wetsuit and joined Club Tortimer with the medals earned.

I also donated lots of island fish and insects to the museum.

I got the fish maniac and letter writer badge from Phineas.

Plans for the next few days are to get some more PWPs done to work towards Perfect Town.


Yo! :D I've been really scatter-brained and keep forgetting to record my daily stuff~ But I have been playing daily with a huge focus on my 2017 town c:

I'm trying to organize my screen shots for the challenge and it's awful xD I need to be more on-top of things~

- did daily chores
- placed 3rd bridge
- unlocked POLICE STATION!!!!!!! :D
- talked to villagers
- Summoned Chai to campsite
- fishinggg
- Visited with friends
- ????!!
- Cy woke up either on the 10th or 9th, don't remember! ^^;
- I talked to my neighbors way too much
- Wrote a letter to each villager
- I seriously love my town. All the villies are great!! ; u ; Probably going to move out Jambette for Etoile :< But I love her too so idk D,,,x JASDKJS:DJS


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