Animal Crossing Movie


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2009
I've seen it, found it pretty entertaining...
But have you seen it, it'd be pretty cool if you left your comments here too...
Poor Hopper. (The Penguin) He never did catch that fish. >_<

The Rest of the Movie was really good.
just a footnote: maybe this should be pinned since i didnt check all the pages but i didnt find another thread like this...just asking...doesnt HAVE to be pinned
I thought it was cute! I liked her reaction to Kapp'n when he drove her into town.

I've wasted brain cells on way worse things.
Another Animal Crossing: The Movie topic...

Any who, yes, I've seen it. It was pretty interesting and was pretty okay. I was told that there is an English version (as in a different movie), is this true?
i loved the movie XD K.K. Slider performance was awesome (i wish hopper would've catched the fish XD).
Knightlordco said:
i loved the movie XD K.K. Slider performance was awesome (i wish hopper would've catched the fish XD).
Yeah, K.K. Slider was a pretty cool character in the movie.