Animal Crossing Movie


Senior Member
Jun 28, 2013
New Horizons Token
So I know there is an Animal Crossing movie, I also know there are subs out there for it. At one point someone was working on a fan dub but it has since been removed from Youtube. Are there any other fan dubs out there???
Its a shame its not in English as lazy as it sounds I don't do sub titles, its such a challenge to watch :(
I was hoping for a fan dub because I work in a daycare and the kids want to see it and not all of them can read well. There used to be one on Youtube but has since been removed, it was totally finished anyways.
There's always the possibility of a group of people from this site getting together and doing a fandub, if there were people willing to do it...
Animal Crossing isn't really a great thing to translate to a movie.

It is good for what it is, stuff like that goes down excellently in Japan but not so much in the western world, probably explains why a dub was not made.
I plan on watching the movie in the future, but I'm sure I saw an English dub somewhere.
I have watched it in Japanese and then again with subs. I had seen a dub on youtube by fans but it has since been removed. I work with kids and they are hook on the games and one found out about the movie. Not all the kids can read which is why I was hoping to find a fan dub again.