Teary-Eyed Grandpa
To each their own but as a way to fix it, why not give us an automatic to do list on our Nook's phone the moment a villager ask you for something?
I guess you are playing this game like most people. I am lonely, this game keep me distracted from the real world and so I see AC as a coping mechanism and the more villagers in my town, the more merrier and full it feel. For people that aren't lonely then I guess 10 Villagers is more than enough.
less villagers means that you will have so much more time to develop higher levels of friendship with your neighbours, and you can always go to the different islands with nook miles and meet tons of animals and invite them back. you might end up loving it despite your initial disappointment. and this game is made for a general public - there will always always always be people disappointed for some reason or other (like, there are some things i wish were different!!), but it's a game and it's made for enjoyment! remember that you will not truly be able to know until you actually play!
(also if you go into this game with premeditated disappointment, you might not have the best experience!!!)
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