But, what single-player content do you feel has been limited in New Horizons? Just the villager limit? Or other things?
Villagers limit and Map size. Personality complain is due to parents complaining and doesn't have anything to do with console vs handheld. But these three things are extremely important to me. I spend so much time watching GC dialogues and laughing out loud. I don't get that with NL at all and WW was much better than NL but very tame compare to how awesome GC villagers were.
I didn't mention any of the stuff in your first paragraph because I am only talking about the three missing features from this game. I want mean Villagers back because mean villagers are real. It make the world feel real just like in real life, you have nice and you have mean neighbors. Villagers who are always nice to you is boring. Mean villagers insult are funny and laugher is the best medicine for sadness. I rather laugh then cry, and laughing is good medicine. Plus mean villagers channel my emotion better because I would either A) hate them or B) want to change them into liking me. It give me incentive to either be mean to them or slowly change them to my liking. I'm not saying have no nice villagers but there need to be a balance unlike New Leaf. My favorite part of WW was literally talking to the villagers every day something I completely ignore in NL.
i think what OP means does not quite correlate with the original post or title. i believe that, essentially, if you go into this game harboring disappointment, you will be disappointed, and if you look on the bright side and let yourself get excited for the new features, you'll have more fun. it's really up to personal experience. and it's a game produced for the general public, so they will not cater to everyone's specific requests
anyways it comes out soon and it looks beautiful and i'm excited![]()
The map is larger than New Leaf, though. New Leaf was 30 Acres, and New Horizons is 36 Acres. That's an improvement.
Lol I say we give it a chance, we've only seen snipets from reviewers and even they aren't allowed to tell us everything yet. I'm choosing to be hopeful because the AC series has been my favorite since I was five years old. I'm looking forward to being able to place furniture outside and to basically re-arrange my landscape so that it caters to what I prefer.
The number of villagers does not make the game.
I don't see where you're going with this?
Villagers limit and Map size. Personality complain is due to parents complaining and doesn't have anything to do with console vs handheld. But these three things are extremely important to me. I spend so much time watching GC dialogues and laughing out loud. I don't get that with NL at all and WW was much better than NL but very tame compare to how awesome GC villagers were.
if i had rude villagers on my island, when im trying to escape from the harsh judgements of reality, id just quit the game or kick them off and never have a snooty or cranky villager. sure it could reflect the real world, but dude this is a whole video game of talking animals. there is no real world in here and there never was. who's electing tortimer into office?? who's electing ME in new leaf?? if you want wild world, i don't think you'll find it in new horizons.
You need a different outlook on life if you let fictional characters made of pixels affect you.![]()
You need a different outlook on life if you let fictional characters made of pixels affect you.![]()
idk i use that lil game to escape people like you so i think im fine with my current outlook.![]()
That's not the issue. It just really adds up and that kind of negativity ruins the relaxation and escape aspect of the game. Some people just want to escape from those things
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I understand how you feel but that comment was uncalled for
You need a different outlook on life if you let fictional characters made of pixels affect you.![]()
idk i use that lil game to escape people like you so i think im fine with my current outlook.![]()
I think this is an unfair thing to say. That would be like saying "you shouldn't let moments in books or movies affect you because they aren't real".
I think this is an unfair thing to say. That would be like saying "you shouldn't let moments in books or movies affect you because they aren't real".