animal crossing new horizons 1 year anniversary

maybe a nice thank you item like a fancy customize-able fence or something i don't expect anything super grand as they are doing the sanrio update (yay finally!!) and stuff but it'd be nice to finally get the thing everyone wants...brewster or maybe a police station...something or some npc. hell what about the ceiling furniture? i'd love more wall stuff too like actual shelves we can put stuff on. but i'm happy with anything tbh. i'm getting my cinnamoroll stuff...i'm a happy boy. (though i really really hope they have a back pack like in pc. that would make my year.)
Hoping for a big event with lots of new items, but I doubt it. Most likely some commemorative item and nothing else.
I'll also be happy if they add some QoL improvements.
oof QoL improvements are a big one i forgot to put. that would be amazing if all they did was add a stupid cart to ables...please...i hate going in and out every time....just let me buy all the things!!! take my bells mabel!!!
Nothing really. I never expected anything. Most games don’t have anything for the anniversary.
I'm not going to hope for anything. I don't expect anything for the anniversary. I don't see Nintendo celebrating this anniversary like they did for Mario.
I have a feeling the animal crossing x buildabear collection will be released on the anniversary date so im hoping for that asdfhhjk i dont have a switch to play NH on anymore but game wise i want old npcs to come back :(
I don't think we will get anything then. I think they will do a combine 1 year anniversary and the franchise's anniversary later. maybe at the end of this month.
However it is more likely it is only the franchise's anniversary at this point imo since we haven't heard anything from them about 1 year stuff. Unless you count the sanrio stuff and bulid a bear to be that (which it could be).
I just want the return of the Animal Crossing x Zelda and Animal Crossing x Splatoon characters to come back at this point. We have no signs of Brewster, Phineas, Pete, Phyliss, etc at this point, so....
I’m still waiting on some major quality of life upgrades and gameplay additions (Brewster’s, Police Station, Katrina or—shock!—something new and exciting!)

Guess I won’t expect too much for the specific day, but one year in it would be nice to at least get a more detailed roadmap about their future plans. At this rate lots of players will be done with the game twice over before they add any significant changes.
The hope is a big update with QoL improvements and returning NPCs. The expectation is nothing at all or something very very small.
I'd just would like to know what they have planned in terms of updates this year.
Given we haven’t got any Actual Details about the 1.9.0 (Sanrio) update other than “it’s happening next Thursday”, not even an update gift or any seasonal items, I have a feeling there’s going to be another trailer early next week (probably Tuesday going by how the 1.5.0/1.6.0 trailers dropped then)

Now that we’ve got all the event NPCs in the game and Day 1 players have experienced all/most of what there is in the game, we’re probably going to see the return of other NPCs this year. Not all of them, mind... about 12-14 of them (going off the fact that 13 NPCs were added in this year, and going off what Nintendo’s said in interviews about the 2-3 year lifespan of the game in terms of updates)

However, as for what I specifically want to happen for the anniversary:

This. Didn’t crop up in New Leaf, unlike every other bit of LGTTC DLC... but it’d be a nice update gift?
what i want? a lot, including past NPCs, furniture sets and features i.e. perfect fruit and tortimer's island, the latter of which is probably my #1 want after brewster and the gyroids.

what i'm expecting? absolutely nothing. maybe a crummy celebratory cake that'll rot in my storage, but i'm not even getting my hopes up for that at this point.
Realistically, it will just be a gift in the mailbox from Nintendo. And a cake is probably a solid guess. Lol.
At this point, I'm keeping my expectations low and just hoping they acknowledge it in some way.

I'd love to see an update that adds new content to the game that people have been asking for (Brewster, Nook's upgrade), but I don't think that necessarily has to happen in conjunction with the anniversary. *If* there is bigger stuff coming at some point, I've heard it suggested that they could be waiting until version 2.0. This is all just speculation, just noting that we don't have to put all our eggs in the Anniversary basket.
I'm hoping for the return of villagers visiting your home. Thats what I'm really counting on.

I think the idea that it might not be a game anniversary update as much as a franchise anniversary update makes a lot of sense, I thought we would have already heard more by this point if the March update was going to include more than just the Sanrio stuff. I'm still holding out hope for some update soon.