animal crossing new horizons 1 year anniversary

what i want? a lot, including past NPCs, furniture sets and features i.e. perfect fruit and tortimer's island, the latter of which is probably my #1 want after brewster and the gyroids.

what i'm expecting? absolutely nothing. maybe a crummy celebratory cake that'll rot in my storage, but i'm not even getting my hopes up for that at this point.
This is exactly how I feel. Watch the cake be ugly too 🙄
thank you for the replys everyone, I would love to see the island back and the gnomes, fingers crossed, if we don't get anything I will still be happy, talking about the game and being on this site has made me very happy, thank you everyone
I think people are getting too comfortable with having low expectations... we should definitely aim higher. I've been having a lot of fun with the game and I love it, but after a year I think many of us expected to have more than what we have at the moment. I'd say that if not now, then they should be dropping the ball soon, the game highly needs it. There are tons of datamined info and items, so we know that this content is just being held back and waiting to be released. Nintendo don't be shy, give us a huge surprise!
I'm thinking that the sanrio characters are all we'll get for March (and I think they have to add bunny day 2021 in this update, so I guess that too), but I'm hoping that 2021 will bring beefier content with each update... Assuming we still get updates after this one 😅
I want small quality of life changes, like being able to craft multiple items at once (I might actually craft bait more often if it wasn't so tedious). Also would love if you could just use your house storage to craft stuff without it needing to be in your inventory.
A fast forward or skip dialogue option; I don't even bother with Gulliver when I see him coz it takes forever to get past all his dialogue. Don't get me started on Pave 😂

Rugs outside!!!

I would love more villagers on my island; If I never have a second+ human why not let me have another animal in their place?.

I want more buildings; Leif living on your island would make the most sense. You could have Reese and Cyrus selling exclusive colour schemes/crafting materials, DIYS etc. Brewster with the Gyroids

Fianlly after the Mario update, I would love to see Zelda get some love. A Korok forest with the master sword and botw blue flowers would be amazing.
All I want is new features and improvements to the game. Thats all I care about at this point.

Completely agree with you, at this point of the game I just want to see new game features and dynamics that improve and enhance the playability of the game, by this i dont mean that they might recycle some of the things they had in previous games however, i would love to see them polished and with a new twist that adapts to the needs, expectations and wants of its players ( us ). I for once was so happy at the halloween update cause harvesting a vegetable ( pumpkin ) was such a new mechanic ( although its not case its the same as flowers ) but it was something promising and hopefully it will enhance something that they have been or are still working on.

What i say is, that i agree with @SoraFan23 ( BTW also a fan of kingdom hearts 😉 ) i wish to have improvement and wish to have that "wow " sensation again but not just when i get for example a new piece of furniture but something that will take my game dynamic to the next level and give me more things to do in my island ( enhanced only gaming and interaction with other players, possibility to decorate home interiors or exteriors of villagers depending on friendship/new shop possibility, cooking etc. ). There are many things they could do with this game, lets hope for the best :)
I wonder if there is a trailer, should it drop on Tuesday?
If we're only getting the Sanrio crossover, then I doubt we'll get another trailer since they already gave it to us. Though it's unusual because it was announced way ahead of release date unlike previous updates.

However, I am still optimistic that we'll get another trailer a day or two before the 18th. If not, then the next possible trailer drop is before April Fool's (assuming we'll get it)...

OR before April 14th, which is the Animal Crossing series' 20th anniversary (I just realized this just now. We are too focused on NH's anniversary, we completely forgot the bigger event for the series).
what i want? a lot, including past NPCs, furniture sets and features i.e. perfect fruit and tortimer's island, the latter of which is probably my #1 want after brewster and the gyroids.

what i'm expecting? absolutely nothing. maybe a crummy celebratory cake that'll rot in my storage, but i'm not even getting my hopes up for that at this point.
THIS. Word for word.

I reckon we will get another wand (never use them) or perhaps a hat.

Like Gulliver and his traveling hat factory, giving out what was once generic Able Sisters crap, isn't enough. >..<

We need real furniture sets.
Enough with the fanciful plastic pastel rubbish.

I want rococo for starters!
I’m not expecting anything to happen on the anniversary of the game to be honest. I will, however, be having a hangout with my good ACNH friend @xara ! We haven’t had a hangout in-game for awhile, so it‘ll be nice to chill and have fun. My island is also complete as far as its design and villagers go, so it’ll be nice to reminisce about all the time spent in it in the past year. It also falls on a Saturday, which is great! :D
They never said something about an anniversary update, so I'm not expecting anything. Well, of course the Sanrio stuff and maybe some new seasonal items for events (and the Nintendo letter update) but nothing else.

I'm actually hoping they don't bring back furniture sets from previous games. Buildings and NPC can stay behind too, with maybe the exception of Brewster because that's the only thing that adds a nice gameplay loop. However, if they bring anything of that back, I'm not complaining.
QoL updates, like printing out numerous nmt at once would be a godsend, but I doubt that would happen.
I'm pretty sure if anything, we'll just get some sort of item