Animal Crossing: New Leaf Release Date Countdown

I just got my Pink and White 3DS XL off lay-a-way today!
Transferred all my data from the Cosmo Black 3DS to it a few hours ago.
Also have a 16GB memory card in it now!
So I am set for after Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates of Infinity, Pokemon X, and AC:NL are released!
I just got my Pink and White 3DS XL off lay-a-way today!
Transferred all my data from the Cosmo Black 3DS to it a few hours ago.
Also have a 16GB memory card in it now!
So I am set for after Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates of Infinity, Pokemon X, and AC:NL are released!

I did the same thing but I bought a Red X Black 3DS XL & 32GB SD memory card just for Animal Crossing: New Leaf :)
I just got my Pink and White 3DS XL off lay-a-way today!
Transferred all my data from the Cosmo Black 3DS to it a few hours ago.
Also have a 16GB memory card in it now!
So I am set for after Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates of Infinity, Pokemon X, and AC:NL are released!

I just bought a 32gb SD card :) Should come soon and I will xfer everything over. I am holding out on getting an XL until closer to the time. Hoping for the AC 3DS XL. If they don't bring it out I will just get a plain white one.
I had an hour of free time on Thursday as I had finished all my work at college and so my tutor let me watch the Nintendo Direct video for the last hour as he doesn't mind anything that keeps me quiet. lol
I was writing a list of announcements and release dates for video games that interest me.

It was getting on for the end of the day before the announced the June 14th release date for Animal Crossing New Leaf and so I was so excited that I actually wrote Animal Crossing New Leaf in full capital letters. :D

I am REALLY anticipating this game, I happen to own all three European Animal Crossing games and I have been really looking forward to this fourth entry into the franchise, I am still a little bit annoyed that Animal Tracks is back as that stopped me from completing my bug collection due to the grass dying on Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City, but I suppose that the good features of Animal Crossing New Leaf FAR outweigh the Animal Tracks this time around...

I have been thinking that Animal Crossing New Leaf is like paying respect to the Nintendo Gamecube version as it seems to have all of the features that Animal Crossing Wild World didn't have and all the features that Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City has, but it seems to have made those two games look like crap, in my personal opinion.

EDIT: Wow... I didn't realise that I wrote THAT much... lol
I didn't think the wait to June would be so long... but then I saw that it's about 100 days away in the first post. Whoops haha.
It's weird not having to speculate the release date anymore....

I know. My God its been so long. So many months have gone by with no hope. And now... theres a light at the end of our dark tunnel. The only question remains is, what will we do in the mean time?
I know. My God its been so long. So many months have gone by with no hope. And now... theres a light at the end of our dark tunnel. The only question remains is, what will we do in the mean time?
Quite exact.
I know. My God its been so long. So many months have gone by with no hope. And now... theres a light at the end of our dark tunnel. The only question remains is, what will we do in the mean time?

I like your choice of words...
Yeah I feel a little aimless actually now that there is a release date. I'd go to bed nearly every night thinking "will there be a release date when I wake up?" but now it's just like, well there's a release's still pretty far away and I don't think there is much of a chance that date will be changed any closer..soooo
Just playing Wild World when Mint said this to me. I'm gonna leave it here cos' I thought it was relevant...

I remember being young and WANTING time to go by fast so I could get older. Now that I am older time goes by so quickly and I wish to be young again so time will go slow. WHY!!?? why did I wish for time to go by slowly? Now waiting for AC:NL time has FROZEN! GARH!
Walmart sometimes get its early its depend on the company decision too release to Walmart early. I'm waiting till June 10 to get the book and game.
I'll likely be ordering my copy of the game off Amazon. Though I will be scouring Wal-Mart and Gamestop for a guide book. I must have that book. I NEED to see the pictures.

Plus learn all I can about holidays and things.