Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp - Friend ID Sharing

TBT Name: Jesirawr
In-Game Name: Fjoora
Friend ID: 4998 2489 814

My SO's friend code:
In-Game Name: Fox
Friend ID: 6782 2484 300

Active Daily. Checking to 'Lend a Hand' multiple times a day.
TBT Name: Emidrew
In-Game Name: itchynips
Friend ID: 2502 290 1952

My SO's friend code:
In-Game Name: Emiko
Friend ID: 6330 618 1566

We both play regularly, help with quarry, send out kudos
They need bigger friend's lists! I've been adding randoms and people who have been adding me off here and got the full message this morning! But I went ahead and booted off the random people I added that haven't playing in several day so I have a bit more room now. X.X
TBT Username: Honelith
In-game name: Honethite
Friend ID: 2882 8088 244

I'm in the UK and play throughout the day and respond to quarry requests, thanks!
TBT Username: *luxebabe*
In-game name: *emilia*
Friend ID: 7760-0718-269
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Hi everyone! Active player here. Looking for some friends to buy from their markets and help with quarry requests! Add me if you'd like :) ID: 6779 9315 208