I've been hearing things about this game, picked it up yesterday and I'm utterly hooked and impatient for the marketplace to restock! Would love some friends to help with the quarry
I am guaranteed to check the game a few times throughout the day to see if anybody needs me to lend them a hand, and I try to keep my marketbox prices fair.
looking for friends who can lend a hand for the quarries and as well return the favor. and also people who sell lots of regular fish in their market boxes. I'm a lazy fisher
TBT Username: Juvy Ann In-game name: Juvy Friend ID: 8128 0151 651
Looking for a regular friend to be my go-to to quickly trade at reasonable prices, fish, fruit, butterflies, everything. If you unfriend me because I buy too much of your stuff regularly, you are a yucky player (Lotta).. haha