I really need more friends and people for events so grateful for any and all adds. Note: Unless you're a person I really know from here or elsewhere I will remove you if you've been inactive for over a month to keep list fresh.
Friend code:16297029776
Username:Leilawitha (complete accident but stuck with it)
I have lemons and sell materials (metal and wood), I need help with quarry/ perfect fruits and GIFTS.
I remove after 7 days of inactivity so please only add if your an active player
Back from a hiatus and I'm looking for friends again to help each other out in the quarry and to send each other gifts! Most of my old friends don't play anymore
I'm not really that active, but I'm looking for TBT users to occasionally exchange gifts with. I just deleted like half of my friendlist because they haven't played in over a month.
Few weeks ago, I started playing again after a long hiatus. Now, I am active and check on things every few hours. I water flowers, help with quarry, sell stuff like grapes (my native fruit), etc. Feel free to add me if you like!
I played a lot near the start, then stopped when NH came out. Recently started playing more now that my daughter (she's 10 months) likes all the colors and sounds of the game. Nothing fancy, add me if you want. 5664-5638-970
Just DM me if you do so I know that you're not just some in-game rando