Animal Crossing theme

We'd just need to take it one at a time, I mean, you can start an advertising campaign and get whoever clicks some link to join us... which is pointless, because only the people we don't care for would ever click some link. Or, maybe invite someone you know outside of here who we could already tolerate, add them to the mix one by one. I'd take a personal invitation over a bunch of advertisements any day.
Bulerias said:
10 hours a week of games? Crap... I'm lucky if I do 10 hours a MONTH nowadays.
Yeah. I don't have a job, I can play games again.

So how about it... Lets open discussion. We'll need to figure out How and Where and What, but that's up to the admins.
Bulerias said:
10 hours a week of games? Crap... I'm lucky if I do 10 hours a MONTH nowadays.
I get about an hour and half a day during the summer. I usually just play Assassin's Creed and run around and kill guards. Most of my friends don't wake up till like 3 hours after me. So thats were my reading time and game time comes from.