Animal Crossing(ww) Trivia

OddCrazyMe said:
In AC:WW you will need to keep do the trading game, trading various items with villagers such as Tom Nook's Safe, Tortimer's Chair, until you get the Scallop. When you have the scallop you can give it to Pascal who will than give you a Golden Axe for your accomplishment.
You lacked a little detail at the end but I won't both being picky.

Kyle - 35 Points
Mino - 9 P
Odd - 6 P
ACWW: Question Seven.. Answer Y/N to all Questions - Does the watering can effect...
1. Flowers?
2. Saplings
3. Growing Trees
4. Full Grown Trees
5. Red Turnips

2 Points for each

AC: Question Eight... What days does The Dump pick-up? Times are not necessary.
5 Points
AC:WW question:
1. Flowers?
2. Saplings
3. Growing Trees
4. Full Grown Trees
5. Red Turnips

AC question:
Dump pick up is on Monday at 6am, I believe.
AC Q, both of you. And I'll let one more person answer the ACWW one.
AC - Monday...

whoops :r

1. Flowers?
2. Saplings
3. Growing Trees
4. Full Grown Trees
5. Red Turnips

Soo hard.
The results on the ACWW one...

1. Flowers
2. Saplings
3. Growing Trees
4. Full Grown Trees
5. Red Turnips

Now who's saying soooooo hard, odd?

Enjoy your 10, 10 and 8 Points guys.

Kyle - 35 Points
Mino - 19 P
Odd - 15 P
JJH - 10 P

I'm surprised nobody has the dump Q right... Kyle's the last hope. D:
Here's the new ACWW one:

ACWW: Question Nine... What's special about the Golden Net?
1 Point
Mino said:
It is larger.

And dump pick up is Saturday?
ACWW Q is correct. And only one answer per person unless it take like forever.
Well, it looks like nobody else is going to try answering the Dump question...

Question Forfeited

ACWW: Question Ten... What Mario Set item was actually officially released by Nintendo via WFC?
5 Points

AC: Question Eleven... What do you get for catching all the fish?
5 Points
AC Question:
You get the Golden ROd and a fancy little fish on your house.

ACWW Question:
No idear, I missed that stuff, as I sold the game shortly before that.
Mino said:
AC Question:
You get the Golden ROd and a fancy little fish on your house.

ACWW Question:
No idear, I missed that stuff, as I sold the game shortly before that.

Kyle - 35 Points
Mino - 25 P
Odd - 15 P
JJH - 10 P
stormcommander said:
There's more than one item...
The rest of the mario set was not officially released on Wi-Fi.