Trading Ankha for Marshal or Lolly?

Cat Hissperer

Junior Member
Sep 18, 2013
0% (0) +
Hi! I've been having a hard time getting my dreamies on ACC, and a player from that site suggested I give it a go over here. My favorite neighbor, Ankha, decided to move without my knowledge and now she's in boxes. >.o I'm trying to make the most of the situation by seeing if I can trade her for one of my other two favorite villagers, Lolly or Marshal! I have an auction going on ACC for her right now, but the buyout is set to trading for one of them. So if someone on this site is seeking Ankha, I'm game to swap for Marshal or Lolly!
If I take a bit to respond, please know I'm about as new as they come to this site, so it may take a bit to figure out how to navigate around here. XD Happy gaming!
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