I have a lot to say, but I am struggling to articulate myself in a way that will not be misunderstood, so I will leave those words for later and address what comes easier for me.
Three times, if you want to count the custom acrylic charms. Although the last instance had 5 winners, since it was their third time winning, it can no longer be brushed off as luck. There is a strategy to it, and while I respect them for being able to utilize it, I disagree with the notion from staff that it is an equal playing field when we have evidence that it is not.
- Event FOMO is... difficult. I know this is ultimately a 'me' problem, but like others have said, there is a compulsion to get maximum currency *because* it is the only time you can earn meaningful resources to trade/sell for other things that you want. Scarcity is silly. There were a handful of new items from the Halloween event, but because there were also returning items to grab, fewer new items were purchased. No one wants to sell the new items for cheap because there's so few of them, but no one wants to buy them for an extravagant amount of TBT because we know their original event currency value.
- AI should be banned and it makes me depressed that many don't consider it theft. It seems like most of TBT is in agreement here, but I'll be honest - as a mostly mobile user, I haven't seen much AI art. I pay attention to AI posts on how to spot it and have read seliph's guide, but the only time I can say where I saw it a lot was during the mushroom event.
- I would love to see more active staff. Some staff members I have never seen outside of an event, and some I have only seen post once in my 2.5 years being active lol. As someone who has moderated an active forum and been an admin before, I know the intense amount of work behind the scenes. We all have limited free time, and I'm grateful they devote some of theirs to making TBT a place where people feel safe to be themselves. But it also feels weird to not see more of them in passing. I think making ~Kilza~ and LadyDestani mods was a step in the right direction, but the overall staff feels distant and unapproachable. That makes it more difficult to feel comfortable bringing up issues, and it makes people feel worse when reports go unanswered. When there was poor sportsmanship during the last Camp, there were a lot of people unhappy with the staff's response and lack of open communication. Maybe they feel like a degree of impartiality is necessary for professionalism, but surely, there can be more of a balance.