Any Harry Potter fans here on Forums?

According to the official website I'm a Slytherin and I think my patronus was a cat but I'm not sure. I've been sorted like after 4 questions with answers like green, silver, water, dark. 😄 I like Slytherin outfit so I'm not complaining.
Well, I obviously am, as evidenced by my user.

I took the quizzes on Pottermore/Wizarding World twice, three years ago and ten minutes ago. Here is a comparison:
202020232023 pt.2
WandCherry wood, 12 and a half inches, phoenix feather coreSycamore wood, 14 and a half inches, unicorn hair coreHawthorn wood, 14 and a half inches, unicorn hair core

Updated because I recently retook the tests
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I finished collecting the main sets for the 2021 Hogwarts Castle model.
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Yep! Read all the books, saw all the movies. (And Potter Puppet Pals 😂) Am definitely a Ravenclaw.