Large spiders is one I guess. House spiders are a plague here in the autumn and I dread the coming of them every year. Another thing for me lately is driving. I'd like to learn, and I'd probably be okay at it, but I've experienced some near misses lately in family/other people's cars and it's made me really anxious about being on the road, roundabouts in particular. It's probably something I will just need to brute force in order to overcome it but right now I keep putting my lessons off because I'm honestly **** scared of getting into an accident at high speed.
Clowns. I was at a circus when I was 6 and a clown got right up in my face and started "patting" me on the back but he was actually hitting me really hard. It shocked me so much that I couldn't move so my parents didn't realize what was happening. It was so loud that I couldn't tell them and being 6 I forgot about it after the day was done. I didn't realize I was afraid of clowns until a few years later (around 9ish) and I didn't want to tell anyone because I thought other kids would make fun of me. I also thought adults wouldn't understand since everyone thinks clowns are harmless. I managed to avoid telling anyone until I was an adult and when I finally did tell my family they laughed at me because again - clowns are "harmless". I reminded them of John Wayne Gacy and that stopped their laughing. I'm not as afraid of clowns as I once was. I can look at pictures of them and even watched American Horror Story Freak Show but I still would not want to be in a room with a clown.
I struggle with anxiety and fear in a lot of aspects of my life, although I'm better than I used to be. As of recently, I've been particularly bad at handling fear of illness, every time I get any kind of minor cut or scratch, I'm immediately convinced I'll absorb the germs of some kind of terrible disease through it, which sucks as I'm kinda clumsy and tend to get those kinds of minor injuries a lot. I've actually had to ask my Mom to hide our antibacterial ointment because I compulsively use it more often than directed if I'm allowed to access it by myself.
I'm also afraid of heights, social situations, being yelled at, my loved ones dying, and clusters of holes.
I also have anxiety and paranoia problems in general, plus I'm very superstitious (an example is that the other night, my DVD player turned on by itself, and I was so convinced in the moment that it was a ghost that I started crying).
I am somewhat afraid of the dark, but I've been able to get into darker rooms than I previously used to be able to, so I'm at least proud of myself for that.
I'm going to try to get into therapy soon, because my fears and anxiety can honestly be pretty debilitating.
also ageing i am still really young but i have the immense fear of growing old, and also the inevitability of losing some of my closest friends one day
A kind of weird one, I hate leaving the bathroom door open at night when I'm about to go to bed, I keep mentally thinking that something is gonna come creeping down the hall from there to my room and it's gonna try to get in unless I have my door or the bathroom door closed. Same with the closet, I hate leaving that open even though there's physically no room for anyone to even stand or lean into that thing.
Porcelain dolls with glass eyes freak me out, I hate going to my grandparents house because of that, I remember there was one time were one of the dolls moved out from the corner of my eye and I had to sit myself as far away from that thing as I could.
I have an irrational fear of butterflies/some moths ;.; The butterfly thing though, I know exactly when and how it started. When I was a kid I used to catch bugs and I caught a butterfly and accidentally killed it and crushed its wing. The powder left an imprint of the wing pattern on my hand. I remember just violently throwing up everywhere and after that day I couldn't even look at a photo of a butterfly. When I see one fly by I usually jolt and freak out. I have no reaction to things like spiders or even cockroaches but I can't stand butterflies. Other than that, I have a slight uncomfortable feeling around certain colourful/vibrant things in nature. Like, I can't stare at an eggplant for too long without shuddering or really colourful spotty fish.
I once had a crippling fear of showers. I can take them now but i dont because its absolute misery and i have no idea why people clean themselves in such a physically tormenting manner.
Yoooo! I've had this for years! Since childhood. It was pretty bad to the point that in my room I'd cover the TV with a table once not using it/after watching tv.
i'm always scared that something bad will happen to my teeth or nails. and i dunno if this is a fear or just an immense dislike, but i can't stand eating or drinking after anybody
I have major problems with finger and toenails because of something happening to my toenail when I was younger, now when I see someone like, picking their nails or messing with the skin around their nails I just clench my fists really hard and curl up my toes like I'm trying to prevent them from doing it to my nails. I use to have a friend who would run a pencil on their nails and I freaked out on them because I just couldn't stand looking at them doing it. I hate the idea of things going under my nails or seeing even hints to someone doing things to their nails, it just freaks me out and makes me feel very ill.