Any island drama between residents? Any headcanons? More importantly any town lore?

I'm still creating a story/lore for my town, but so far here's what I got.
When Flora and Phoebe both lived in my town they were madly in love and they both moved out to travel the world together (i even put two mrs. flamingos in flora's yard for a tribute to them, plus I caught them multiple times hanging out at each other's houses)

Chevre's pen pal is Nan and they are besties because they grew up on a farm together but Diana's jealous because Nan is her ex-best friend.
Audie knew Flora which is why she moved in after Flora moved out and Audie also has a huge crush on Sterling.
Sterling and Zucker are best friends and Zucker looks up to Sterling and comes to visit him even though Zucker lives on the other side of the island.
Jeremiah's dream is to become a famous fashion designer which is why I always see him wearing a suit, rhinestone shades, and a suitcase. Also him and Merry exchange fashion tips.
Merry is from the city in city folk and lived in the boarded up place where kicks always comes because she was an apprentice to Gracie but she decided to move out (which is why it's boarded up) and travel for a bit because she couldn't stand Gracie's snotty attitude. Then Labelle came and worked for Gracie instead.
Nana secretly loves drama and fights with people all the time (there are countless gifts I've had to deliver) but she acts like she's just so innocent even though she's a drama queen.
Diana gets jealous easily and she won't stop raving about my clothes because she's secretly planning to attack me somehow
Renee is a big fangirl and loves anime. (I mean come on, the sailor shirt is a dead giveaway) She tried to get Diana to watch My Hero Academia with her but Diana didn't get into anime until she watched Violet Evergarden and cried her eyes out.
I do have some lore but not at the amount that you have. I'm actually the second account to start playing on this island, my sister is the one that started it. She stopped playing about a month after she started and I'm the one that got to 3 and 5 stars, decorated, terraformed, filled the museum, got all the villagers we wanted, etc.

Bianca and Annalisa have been best friends since the beginning. Bianca was the first to enter the island and I think Annalisa was the 3rd. Both my sister and I love them to death and adore their relationship. They live next to each other and spend time at each other's houses a lot.

Bianca and Bea share a personal garden because they both love gardening. They're not as close as Bianca and Annalisa but they're definitely friends.

We did have a lot of drama when I was just starting to get villagers. Walt spent way too long on my island and he was just a grumpy old man. Constantly getting upset with my villagers and upsetting them, though he did have a soft side and he watered my flowers a lot. We were all relieved when he left. We also had this problem with Beardo. He came after Walt but he caused just as much chaos.

Bob was... interesting. Never really made friends, kind of just drank juice by the beach all day. I thought I was gonna keep him but he just added nothing to my island.

Freya was also interesting. Not as bad as Walt or Beardo, but she definitely caused problems. She was more of the passive aggressive type, she would never outright tell you she doesn't like you but she definitely hinted at it.

I thought Walt and Beardo was bad, then I met Rocket. Rocket was my nightmare come to life. When I first got her I thought it would be fine, but she didn't leave. She was still there when I was almost done with getting my dreamies. She. Would. Not. Leave. I finally got rid of her, but I guess I forgot to get a new villager in because 2 days later she was back. I was going to rip my hair out. Once again, took forever to get her out again. When I thought Rocket's wrath would finally leave me, I decided to get rid of one of my villagers, Once again, didn't trade them out in time and got rocket again. I've never felt more rage than seeing her face for that 3rd time. Whenever I see that pink number 4 shirt I want to scream. My friends send me pictures of her just to taunt me. She is the nightmare I will never wake from.

One last person I'll talk about is Bea. I got her because the inside of her house is a cafe. I originally thought they would be jealous, considering she was the last dreamy I got and she got the special spot on the top of a hill, but they're actually pretty kind to her. They enjoy visiting her garden and lounging outside of her cafe. It's pretty sweet.

I have a ton of other stories but this is already super long so I'll just leave it at that lol