Any ways to make (desktop) TBT faster on slow internet?


Talk to me, superstar. What do you want?
Dec 24, 2014
Blue Crescent Moon
Pink Crescent Moon
Galaxy Swirl
Orange Crescent Moon
Green Crescent Moon
Rosewater Potion
Red Christmas Stocking
Holiday Candy Cane 2021
So I just moved houses to the middle of Nowhere, USA, and my internet is just as slow as my village is tiny. For other sites i've been using their mobile version to make it easier to load, but I don't have an option like that on TBT. I know that if I use it on my phone there's the mobile browser version, which is nice, but I'd like something similar on my desktop too.

One idea I had was to disable signatures of other users. Is there any way I could hide all signatures on threads? I'm not talking just on ad block, because then i'd have to go through one at a time.

But my other idea, is there a mobile site to be accessed on desktop?

Please gimme any ideas, i'm kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place here :x
(And no I cant change ISP. Or get a new router. Or move the router somewhere closer to me. I already tried those and those seem to be not options ; - ; )
google says "If you want to view mobile websites on your desktop browser, then the most easiest way to do this is to use a browser extension. For Firefox: You can install the User Agent Switcher extension from Mozilla's addon library. For Chrome: Install the User-Agent Switcher for Chrome extension from Chrome's Web Store." ? so i might try those as an option.

but do you really feel the mobile is less load intensive?

bc i would actually try going into general settings and messing with both 'Thread Display Options' and 'Miscellaneous Options.' you can change whether, yes, signatures are visible and also profile icons and also mess with the forum skin to see if one is less load intensive for you.

good luck !
sorry, but I'm laughing at you having an animated gif avatar with this topic

and I have to know how slow your internet is too

can you easily watch 480p+ videos on youtube without needing to CONSTANTLY PAUSE TO BUFFER?
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Just use the theme switcher at the bottom of the homepage to switch to TBT Undercover? It's just like the regular theme but less colourful and without graphics.
Just use the theme switcher at the bottom of the homepage to switch to TBT Undercover? It's just like the regular theme but less colourful and without graphics.

This is what I was gonna recommend. I'm sure that would be it faster for you. Plus it disables sigs which is what you want.
sorry, but I'm laughing at you having an animated gif avatar with this topic

and I have to know how slow your internet is too

can you easily watch 480p+ videos on youtube without needing to CONSTANTLY PAUSE TO BUFFER?

i cant even watch videos in 240 without having to constantly pause lol. my wifi is too slow to change my avatar either so it's stuck as a gif for now.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Just use the theme switcher at the bottom of the homepage to switch to TBT Undercover? It's just like the regular theme but less colourful and without graphics.

i'll try this out for a bit, ive never seen the theme switchers before :p thanks!