Anybody else not flattening or restarting their island?

I reset my island a few months ago (and then never played because burnout), then I reset again to look for the proper island layout, so I kinda have to flatten it. I meant to get around to it this week... but I procrastinated.

But, hey, at least I got all the building moved out of the way?
I can't see myself ever restarting my NH file, even if I took a super long hiatus from the game, because you lose so much more resetting this game than you lose in any other game in the series. The small changes I could make to base island layout / airport / etc. wouldn't be worth it to me. I like to have a more "natural" looking island (aka one that looks a lot like how the towns looked in the older games) so I don't do a ton of terraforming or whatever to begin with. I will have to reorganize some things but overall not much will be changing on my island.
Ain't no way I'm flattening or resetting. The new update/items will just have to blend into my current mess and hopefully they'll inspire me to complete parts of my island that are still empty or filled with hybrid vomit.
I’ve relocated some homes, removed my orchard, making a farming spot (while replacing the two I have with something new), and revamping my playground and entrance. I’m pretty satisfied with my island, so I don’t want to flatten anything. But a lot of stuff will have to change about it. I’d get burned out of I flattened it all, I’m the type of player that needs stuff to build off of.
I decided not to restart in the end, but I have flattened a good chunk of my island. I want to try to move the cliffs more to the back, because near the front they cover up a lot of space visually so it makes tbe island feel really small
I've liked my island from day one and done minimal terraforming so I'll be keeping the existing landscape just as it is.

I'd only like to start a new island if I ever buy a second Switch, maybe a Lite.
I reset fairly recently so I’m not resetting again for the update. Or at least, I don’t think I am lolll. I’m the type to reset islands once I feel I’ve completed it or it has run its course and if I feel it’s time to explore a different theme this time around etc. so that was why I reset and not really because of the update per se. It does intrigue me though how it would feel to play the game from the start with the 2.0 update already in the game with so many stuff and so many new villager dialogues it must be fun. This is the reason why I wish so bad for that NL feature where Tom Nook buys off finished towns and let’s you choose to keep your catalogue and move to a new town without losing your catalogue but they didn’t give us that in NH. It would make life so much easier for people like me who like making diff themed islands but won’t buy 29282615144647 switches lolll 😅
I'm not resetting or flattening. I definitely wouldn't reset because I don't want to lose my DIY collection/catalog/museum progress. But I'm also really happy with some parts of my island, so I don't feel the need to flatten. There's other parts of my island that I want to be better, but I will just keep working on them over time.
I still regret restarting my New Leaf town for Welcome Amiibo. Not making that mistake again. And I don’t have the terraforming chops to be up for a complete gutting, so I’ve just been content to make the changes I am doing piece by piece.
I'm kinda the opposite of what you said. I already flattened and haven't changed anything since May nor will I restart until the time is right.

I am keeping my island empty until the update comes as I'm just so hyped to play with the new items very so.
Yeah, I've been holding off on resetting and/or flattening for a while now, just because I want to keep all my hard-earned Bells, Nook Miles, catalog, DIYs, and all that jazz. Plus, I'm really liking how my island is turning out so far; it's probably the best it's ever been. If I ever want a new island, I'll just get another Switch console (especially if anything like a Switch Pro makes its way in any time in the future).
I am not making any big changes. I want to wait and discover more from the update and move more slowly. There could be even more awesome stuff we haven't seen yet. If that inspires redoing my island, that's what I'm looking forward to. I'm sure I'll change things as I go along. Also no way am I giving up my DIYs and catalog lol.
I am definitely not resetting. Made that mistake in NL. I have been making changes to my main island just because I don’t like how my villagers are set. Didn’t require flattening because it was on the first level. Just moving of a few houses.
I'm not. If anything, I still have a few bare patches around my island, because I just couldn't find any items worth adding to the areas.

I'm almost positive that I can finally finish my island instead, just as soon as the update hits. I just hope HHD doesn't have too many good exclusives for me to miss out on...
I'm not flattening or restarting. I like when things inspire me to change a thing or two but I've worked too hard since March to get things the way I wanted.

Totally not saying anything bad or against anyone who wants to do that.

It just isn't for me.
I'm personally not doing either! Instead I have been doing some terraforming every day (that way I don't get too stressed trying to do it all at once). I also want to move some buildings around but after I am settled I will start decorating with the new items (I want to wait to see what comes out before designating sections of my island to certain "themes").
I reset a few months ago already so I'm still working on my island for now lol. I'm still not done with a lot of areas so I still have a long way to go before I'll feel like resetting/flattening.
I'm not flattening my town, I'll just make some changes where I see fit, but I'm also only about a third done with my island right now, and I really like what I've made, I've already flattened it at least 3 times before because I never liked it, but I've come up with my own style, and it's going great.

Also I'd never restart my town, never have in any previous games either, it's my town it's irreplaceable.