Anybody else sick of the snow?


Junior Member
Jan 9, 2021
Does anybody else just hate the snow in new horizons? I genuinely think it make towns look pretty ugly. The only time where I think it looks pretty is in evening and with toy day decorations. But without them it looks pretty bad imo
Does a bear crap in the woods?

I am sick of the snow. :D
oh goodness its been killing me. i got a switch and the game on christmas so my only experience w it is just SO much snow. i want it gone !!! :c
i’m not; winter is actually my favourite season in-game and i’ve been enjoying the snow quite a bit! although, i definitely do miss the vibrancy of spring + summer and am looking forward to that returning. :’^)
At first I did but I took a few weeks off from the game and I'm starting to redesign some areas and I like how it looks with the snow. The changing in color pallete make me look at some of my areas with fresh eyes.

Ignore the poor phone quality of the first one
Before, it looks great in the spring/summer but I liked it less as it headed towards fall/winter. The red mum cushions stick out in a bad way.


The new design in progress. I'm loving the pale greens that the hedges have.
Nope, but spring is my favorite season in New Horizons, so I'm looking forward to it.
I was getting quite sick off it last week when I was trying to decorate my island but overall I've generally enjoyed the snow as I love winter. I did go TT'ing yesterday though to boot out a villager and am currently out of the snow in my island and its really nice having some greenery for a bit while I island hop for a villager, planning to TT back to today though once I've found someone so hoping I don't get sick iff the snow again before it disappears.
I think it's the best best looking snow we've had yet, I like how it looks kinda glittery but I'm ready for it to be over too lol..
I love the snow but I really am ready for it to go I think. I'm trying to totally redesign my entrance and I just can't picture things the same way when it's just a sheet of white
Yep, I’m sick of the snow. I love it for about a week, then I’m longing for the green grass in spring. I just think islands look so much better with the lush green grass!

Accurate description of how I feel IRL also. It's beautiful the first time it snows! And the second! And when there is snow covering ALL.THE.THINGS. But it gets old really quick.
I hate it. Absolutely hate it. I reset my island and haven't gotten a chance to see it at its fullest. It also just looks really ugly. I have a fairycore island and my bamboo obsession is not helping. The bamboo looks dead, the other plants do too. All my cute fairycore areas look too bright in the snow. Oh and whenever I'm trying to catch bugs I always find snowflakes instead!!! It makes no sense that its snowing, we live on islands. I haven't seen a snowy island... and WHY DOESNT THE WATER FREEZE?!! It would look so cute to have iceskates and to go iceskating. Am I right or am I right? Well, sorry about my rambling...
yes! @John Wick is right, its murder for your eyeballs ;-;

it was pretty at first but its just so hard to look at everything in a blinding white. i actually tt'd forward a bit to escape, but the grass was gross and dead so i just returned xD
i actually tt'd forward a bit to escape, but the grass was gross and dead so i just returned xD
Oh nooo, I forgot the grass is dead when the snow goes for a bit. I wonder how long into March that lasts?