Anyone curious about the hourly music?

I’m not done with New Leaf music. It’s still my go to when I’m journaling or working. Im excited to hear the new pieces of music, maybe they might have more tropic themes? :)
Wild World’s hourly music will probably always be my favorite simply for nostalgia’s sake.
I’m not worried about New Horizons music! I’m sure I’ll love it, even if it’s not my favorite. And if not I’ll just learn to tune it out lol

I’m excited to hear the new music on March 20th
More than anything I just hope all the tracks are bops! It can become a bit tiring when the music you hear during the usual hours you play aren't tracks you're too keen on.
Wild World was my favourite as well. I didn't like playing between 2–4.59pm because I didn't like those tracks on NL. I hope we also get the ability to choose songs from different games on an app on the NookPhone but I guess that's a big wish.
I hope the music is more reminiscent of older games lol I prefer the weirder instrumentation of like Gamecube AC and stuff. Made it feel more out there.