Anyone else currently on a second wind for this game?

I wish I could find a reason to keep playing.
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i've been on and off with this game, i get demotivated once i see that my island is not even close to being finished and always being unhappy with there the residential services is. i considered resetting but it's just not worth the hassle for me (the trips back and forth to another island to drop off all my stuff would be way too excruciating). i'm hoping i will eventually pick it back up, because i've missed a lot of updates too
Whenever I get a little tired of the game, I change my goals. At first, I wanted to have an island with "dreamies". But then I got them all and was bored. So I've switched to trying to have a lot of different villagers and trying to earn their photos. This goal has kept me entertained and I feel like it's a second wind for now. I'm also sort of working on my catalog of items.
I stopped playing right after the TBT fair back in august, and came back to the game/forum mid-december. I TT'd back and did the events I missed, played every day for about 2 weeks. There's not much going on the game so now I'm not playing again... Will come back for Festivale and other updates tho. The best part of the game for me was decorating and finishing my island. I did that and I like how it is so not much to do. I hope a bigger update will make me stick to it again. I plan on resetting to enjoy the game from start again and to build another island, but I dread the process of collecting items so..
I've been kind of on and off with it too. I like the game and I always have a good time playing it, but my actual activity is like the rise and fall of waves. Right now I'm on the up end of a wave, been playing it a ton and even joined TBT recently because of it. I think that helps.
I want to get back into making designs again, I had so many hopes for that a couple months back. I also need to get back to actually working on my island, recently even though I'm playing a lot I'm mostly just working on my catalog instead of the things I really want to do, which makes me sad.
nah i haven’t touched the game in weeks. don’t really have the drive anymore
I keep picking it up and putting it back down again. I get distracted by other games but I also keep losing my drive to play. I have nowhere near finished my island, I just flattened half of it the other day but I just got no willpower to decorate it. Which is a bit annoying because on New Leaf all them years ago, I played it 24/7 for years. Perhaps it was because I was just a lot younger or the 2 games are incomparable in some regards.
I think the only time I stopped playing it was when I was focused on another game. Sometimes my play-times are really short where I just do dailies and then I'm done. Then sometimes I grind for fish, bugs or whatever.
Honestly, having an island journal helps me a lot because it's just another creative outlet when I don't feel like being creative in the game (terraforming or custom designs). I use it as a way to showcase art and storytelling which amuses me.

Then just playing with like-minded friends helps significantly. This game needs some kind of chaos to create excitement since it's slow and more casual. I think that can result in the boring and mundane feeling. On the other hand, maybe I'm just easily excitable over silly behavior and being rowdy like a child, lol.
I am too!
No good reason as yours, just updates are coming, new ideas are coming, more content... even if in my opinion it's not enough. Remembering a old anime/manga I used to love (and still love) and a new idea appears in my mind! Time to try the game again.
I haven't lost interest since it was released! I think a part of it was that my job had me still working through lockdown, so I never had a chance to just play the game all day every day. Another part of it is just that I love this game and so much about it. Recently I only play for about half an hour every morning and that's it because there isn't a ton to do (although I am thinking about possibly redesigning one corner of my island). However, with the Festivale items being available starting Feb 1st, I will probably start playing a little more as I decorate my island to prepare for the holiday.
My playing time did drastically go down. But I am still doing daily stuff. It's so happens that my biggest threat is really the lack of storage space! I wish Nintendo would give me unlimited storage for my hoarding needs.
My playing time did drastically go down. But I am still doing daily stuff. It's so happens that my biggest threat is really the lack of storage space! I wish Nintendo would give me unlimited storage for my hoarding needs.

It can be a little expensive, but creating a second player and upgrading their house should give you access to extra storage. You can even use the house to store DIYs. The only real problem I see is giving up a little space on your island for the other house.
It can be a little expensive, but creating a second player and upgrading their house should give you access to extra storage. You can even use the house to store DIYs. The only real problem I see is giving up a little space on your island for the other house.

I been contemplating this suggestion for the longest time! :D

I might give in one day if Nintendo doesn't grant my wish. (I highly doubt they will though.)
I was getting bored of the game last fall and missed several DIYs and events but recently time travelled to get them done. I finally activated my online membership and it's like a whole new game for me. Really enjoying trading with the friendly folks here. Would be online more if I had decent internet.
I might give in one day if Nintendo doesn't grant my wish. (I highly doubt they will though.)

Increasing it to 2400 like they did in November was unexpected, so perhaps they will again later this year. With all the new items they keep dropping, it only makes sense.
Im gradually losing interest during the new years event and usually i only play ac games during one year period after that tbe game (at least for me) stop manking sense and not being fun anymore
But i can list a number of tbings that helped me on losing the interest so far
1: Repetitive!!! The dialogues are almost the same. Right now i cant even care more about what gulliver haa to say and im sad that the game dont manage to skip talkie talkie npcs
2: losing the grip and the interest of the gameplay
3: events arw getting to straight forward and less interest
4: after so many grinding and aconplishments theres always something elae to do and this is a big hit for any completionist diehard (catalog maniacs i understand you all)
5: after all the main reason isnthat march is also coming and marking tbe 1 year of game and this usually is a hoodbye for me
Some friends in real life got a switch and New Horizons over the holidays and some other friends are playing again. So I feel motivated to help them and also decorate my island. I'm starting to settle on the final 10 for my island assuming that Nintendo isn't going to be adding anymore. I did tear down some areas I had forever and it has given me a bigger picture on what I want my hand to look like
I just started playing a bit again yesterday, mostly cause I wanted to fix the rooms in my house that were kinda messy looking. don't know how long the streak will continue though. prob not til Festivale happens, and then prob not again til the Super Mario update comes out.
I took a break around December and started playing again a week or two. Yep, the energy is back.

Honestly, I think it was the fact that I used to closely document my catalog in various apps. It was a pain, and now that I don't closely track everything I'm having a better time. I've also designated a few parts of my island to be seasonal areas that I'll redecorate once a month or so, which I think is fun.
IDK if I'm on a second wind, maybe a third or fourth, lol. BUT that's how I tend to play games- I'm obsessed and play constantly for a few months. Then lose interest for a few weeks/months. Then get back into it. And so on. Since I TT, I don't need to worry about missing anything (I can always TT backwards- I try and keep track of what day I last played on)

Honestly, while I wish the game had more content at launch, I also like intermittent updates because they fit perfectly with my playstyle. Just when I'm thinking "Huh, maybe I'll play ACNH again..." there's something new to look forward to in it!