Anyone else in resetting hell (again)?

I was almost finished with my island when I reset because I couldn't handle the rivers. I didn't care about native fruit though. It's easy enough to put whatever fruit I want down which is what I'm doing. But I wanted specific rivers and plaza location. I gave up plaza location though when I got one that's almost directly across from the airport.
Hey guys!

I thought I should give an update or something, given that a few months have passed.

I'm still in resetting hell, but mainly because I only do it occasionally at this point. Still, I've broken the 1000-hour-mark a week or so back (that does include the hours spent on my first few islands, though).

I have, in this time, learned quite a few interesting things - for example, if you have an island with two south river exits, you cannot have the airport in the left spot, a peninsula in the top right and a right-sided dock at the same time. If your airport is on the left and you have a top-right peninsula, your dock will always be on the left and it will always be short. No exceptions, no matter what map (as long as it has two south river exits). This does not happen if the airport is on the right and it does not happen if you have a side river exit. Just a fun fact for those who want that sort of combination (like me...).

But yeah, still going at it, now also cursing that Nintendo added another question during the check-in counter sequence to make every reset even longer and make me unable to b-button-mash into the naming screen, RIP.

Maybe I shall be able to play with you one day. Maybe. We'll see if I will be back here and report good news before I turn 80 or something. There's a dozen of maps I'd consider (decided that two south rivers are okay for me, even if I have to live with the right-sided airport, ugh), but so far, I just had no luck when I had a map to fly in. Usually, because peninsula shape and position matters to me, I can fly into a map once every 5-6 hours of resetting and then it's a 5% chance for blue airport/peaches, but yeah, not for me so far.

See you in a year or two or At this point, I doubt we will ever be able to move Resident Services, so I shall keep up the resetting.
Sheba i pray to god that one day... You'll see a map that answers all your wishes and you'll be in awe... And can't believe your eye's. If native fruit is oranges?! Please settle with it and i'll give you all the peaches you ever dreamed off... And some more! Wishing you all the luck!
Sheba i pray to god that one day... You'll see a map that answers all your wishes and you'll be in awe... And can't believe your eye's. If native fruit is oranges?! Please settle with it and i'll give you all the peaches you ever dreamed off... And some more! Wishing you all the luck!
I'm not compromising on native fruit, but by now am willing on compromising on other things (upper my acceptable maps from 2 to 13). I doubt I'll ever get my perfect dream map with all I want. I think in all my resetting time, I flew in only once into the map to check fruits/airport.
Thanks for the luck! Maybe one day, I will be able to play again.

Well, people hunt gen 1 shiny pokemons for years. Your persistence is admirable and I'm sure you will find it soon enough!!!
Thank you! I hope you're right, haha.
I seriously admire your patience in resetting! I really hope that one day you find your ideal map and you build an amazing island. I keep getting tempted to reset, but so far the thought of having to find a new map has kept me away from doing that :p
I seriously admire your patience in resetting! I really hope that one day you find your ideal map and you build an amazing island. I keep getting tempted to reset, but so far the thought of having to find a new map has kept me away from doing that :p
Yeah, resetting is not fun. I don't regret deleting my first island (has a lot of hours on it), though, as I wouldn't have been happy with it, ever. I do miss playing a lot, though. Can't give any advice if anyone should reset or not - it honestly depends on how picky you are with a new map, I guess. But yeah, the longer you played on an island, the harder it probably is (and should be) to delete it. Though I personally enjoyed all testing islands I played...mainly because I prefer the initial music over the hourly musics in this game, haha.
I remembered you and your thread after all these years. I hope you got the chance to play happily eventually - although the fact you haven’t update makes me think you still haven’t :(