Anyone Else Not Getting TBT For Posts And Threads?


Ignore my lineup pls 💜
Aug 23, 2019
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
White Star Fragment
Celeste Chick Plush
White Star Fragment
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
Sheep Plush
Pink Star Fragment
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
Pink Star Fragment
Sheep Plush
Is it just me or is anyone else having this problem? This has been happening for the past 2 weeks to me. Can anyone explain?
:/ Not entirely sure. I've been posting a lot in the Basement so I think that's why. Is that one of the reasons?
the tbt marketplace doesn't reward bells for posts and threads iirc.
you can check if you aren't earning otherwise by looking at your currency menu
if the problem continues, i would make a thread in the contact the staff board
My guess is there's either a "cool down" period between posts, or a max posts per day that are awarded tbt
I've had a look and you definitely received bells for both threads you've posted today, as well as every post that wasn't in a board that doesn't award TBT bells for posting. I see no instances at all where you should have earned bells but didn't, other than the fact that you're posting frequently in the boards that don't award anything. I believe this is where the confusion is coming from!

Also, there's no cap on the amount of bells you can earn per day or any sort of cooldown period for earning. Any post in a board that awards bells will count towards your total. :blush:
I've had a look and you definitely received bells for both threads you've posted today, as well as every post that wasn't in a board that doesn't award TBT bells for posting. I see no instances at all where you should have earned bells but didn't, other than the fact that you're posting frequently in the boards that don't award anything. I believe this is where the confusion is coming from!

Also, there's no cap on the amount of bells you can earn per day or any sort of cooldown period for earning. Any post in a board that awards bells will count towards your total. :blush:

That's probably whats going on, Tysm!