Anyone else NOT going to buy amiibo cards?

I have a N3DS, but I'm definitely not buying the cards. Not a single pack. The EU prices (5-6? in media stores and 7,50? on Amazon) are a huge rip-off in my opinion. I wouldn't even know how to sugarcoat that if I wanted to, so I'll just pass.
for now, i have no plans to buy any cards. but i might if i get bored and want to spice things up like inviting certain villagers to a house.
Thank the gods it's not just me xD I always see houses in the HHD with tons of amiibo villagers visiting, and while it would be nice to make villagers visit each other, I still feel like it's not worth the cost to me. Being a responsible adult is hard at times haha
they're cool but honestly I'm not all that interested in buying them, just like the whole amiibo thing